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diz iz relegen tapik


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There are enough things on this planet what proves that god exists, think about it how the hell did we landed on this planet and where the hell did this planet come from... a big HAHAHA to the atheists that believe in the big-bang and shit that shit isn't real

um, i don't think many people actually believe in the big bang theory that are atheist, but i do think that they believe that the world evolved over hundreds of millions of years begging with micro-organisms that bonded and became bacteria, then over hundreds of millions of more years evolved into some type of water dwelling creatures, yadda yadda, like i said I BELIEVE that there is a strong possibility in there being a 'creator' [went to a christian school for 8 years] but honestly, have you ever 'felt the holy spirit' or seen him 'work in your life' as the bible beaters love to push about.. i honestly believe that religion is perhaps a good thing, for people who would like to live blindly and never question things, or for elderly people to ease them into death, even for recovering addicts to have some sort of accountability system..

[btw i took the liberty of fixing you're grammar/spelling errors :p

"You are grammar/spelling errors."

Fix yours too :P

lololol thanks  ;o

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Edit: Adam|Note taking the pure way out and making a menstruation cycle joke, clever. I suppose next you're going to call him a faggot and ask him for a fight on RuneScape?

It's more clever than anything you've ever said and ever will say. Don't send me another message or come into #Brap crying... again.

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I never have and never will believe in God, to me the bible and his existence is nothing more than story passed down through time.

This has been up for debate countless times. There's no use debating it because at the end of the day there's no solid proof for either side. No one knows whether or not there is a God. Although, I watched a debate somewhere, or maybe it was Christopher Watkins speaking, where he said the probability of the planets aligning by themselves and life sprouting out of nowhere without some sort of omnipotent-being is like 1/100000x repeated.

these are the type of replies i was looking for, i know there is a debate section, but its definitely the slowest section in all of these slow ass forums...

i consider myself more agnostic than anything.. [there might be a creator, and if there is he certainly doesn't care about us]


i knew you weren't bright enough for a conversation like this, but i did also expect you to get your +1 off it as usual, and yes, obvious troll is obvious, i lol when ppl flip out at you, mission accomplished yes?

I honestly could care less about my post count, although I'm pretty sure there's already been multiple threads about this topic so I just took it upon myself to kill the thread.

As for me "trolling", Flaming=/=Trolling, I think you need to go back to ED.

Also, stop trying to have an "educated debate" when I'm sure the only arguments you'd have from either side are taken from youtube videos or the internet.

that is beyond ironic, coming from someone who only posts flames in an topic like this, you are just showing your lack of intelligence more and more with each BS post.. seriously kid, just gtfo outta this thread if you don't like it.. as for going back to ED LOL com'on now.. like really, com'on... oh and when did i say anything about your post count fagot?

EDIT: getting back to the point of me gathering all my arguments from the internet or youtube, like i said in my previous post, ATTENDED A PRIVATE CHRISTIAN SCHOOL FOR 8 YEARS so i'm pretty sure my opinion is valid, unlike yours sir.. any further comments from you will no longer receive a reply

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God guides who he wishes.

That guy had a lot of good points but in the end it comes down to arguments that I'm not qualified to make. I guess we'll all find out after we die. If atheists and anti theists are wrong, then they're screwed in the after-life though.... Just Sayin

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