Itz Tragic Posted May 23, 2009 Posted May 23, 2009 (sry about different sizes -.-) But yeah, so i was chillin at aviansies, getting some money to burn f2p pking, when i get a clue drop. I didnt think anything of it, not wasting my time with those at 1 defense. Literally a minute later i get another clue drop. Now, i dont know if this could happen, never happened to me. Couldn't pick up both though unfortunately. I just thought this was odd =).
gfdgfd Posted May 23, 2009 Posted May 23, 2009 Yeah that has always happened but you can only have 1 in your inventory at a time :P
Zero Posted May 23, 2009 Posted May 23, 2009 I was told once you receive a clue scroll, you can't receive another. Even as much you kill a monster that drops clue scrolls, you won't even get another as a drop. I'm not sure if its true because once I get a clue scroll, I'll try to complete it asap lol.
Vlooieneuker Posted May 23, 2009 Posted May 23, 2009 if you dont have a clue in your invent or bank you can keep getting them as drops. meaning if you dont pick up you can get another one on next kill. i happened to me alot at men lvl2 and at guards in varrock a couple times. never had a lvl3 double drop tho :x nice
r e b q r n Posted May 23, 2009 Posted May 23, 2009 It happens (what seems to be) quite often especially if all you do is slayer and your doing a task like dag's which are easily afkable, so when you leave the screen for a minute and come back you could of killed like 10 dags in that time so thinking about it, it isn't all that rare.
im a fat kid Posted May 23, 2009 Posted May 23, 2009 Thank you for sharing this with us. i lolled irl @ dis ^^^
FijiK0edU Posted December 25, 2009 Posted December 25, 2009 they say you can't have 2 clue scrolls at once but this pic proves it wrong
Shut Up Kid Posted December 25, 2009 Posted December 25, 2009 they say you can't have 2 clue scrolls at once but this pic proves it wrong No it doesn't... They say you can't have 2 clues in your invy or one in invy and one in bank. ALSO: GTFO WITH YOUR BIG GAY SIGNATURE
Bmore Posted December 25, 2009 Posted December 25, 2009 Please for future reference don't bump topics that are 7 months old. Thank you and Merry Christmas.
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