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you are a douchebag for doing this

now i know most of you wont give a shit..but this gave me a good giggle.

heres a quick background on the story:

a 12 year old let me on his account and seeing as how he threatened multiple times to DDoS me a couple of ex-freinds of mine decided to give him a good bank clearing so he would shut his ass up.  :shifty:

i gave the account back after a few days of torturing him because he couldnt play his precious runescape.

shall we look at his reaction?

Posted Image

still havent been hacked though thank god!!  B)

you mad bro? nah jk. i personally have no issues with him. he just needed to be taught a quick lesson.

and his bank consisted of 4m and he botted it all with swamp tar. so dont worry he'll make it back.

point is that i love e-thugs like him and you should to!

and finally no i dont hack people< he gave me the account. no flame pls. kthxbai.

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You're the reason I'm petitioning for new forum users to take an I.Q. test with their registration.

forums would die within a week

Many e-thugs, all who act tough because hating Justin Bieber makes them look cool.

hating justin bieber is like punching an annoying 13 year old girl in the face... you don't do it to "look cool" you do it for the satisfaction you get from punching an annoying 13 year old girl in the face.
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You're the reason I'm petitioning for new forum users to take an I.Q. test with their registration.

forums would die within a week

Many e-thugs, all who act tough because hating Justin Bieber makes them look cool.

hating justin bieber is like punching an annoying 13 year old girl in the face... you don't do it to "look cool" you do it for the satisfaction you get from punching an annoying 13 year old girl in the face.

Once again, being an E-Thug. you've never punched a 13 year old girl. shut the fuck up.

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You're the reason I'm petitioning for new forum users to take an I.Q. test with their registration.

forums would die within a week

Many e-thugs, all who act tough because hating Justin Bieber makes them look cool.

hating justin bieber is like punching an annoying 13 year old girl in the face... you don't do it to "look cool" you do it for the satisfaction you get from punching an annoying 13 year old girl in the face.

Once again, being an E-Thug. you've never punched a 13 year old girl. shut the fuck up.

you missed... everything. awesome  :nice:
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hating justin bieber is like punching an annoying 13 year old girl in the face... you don't do it to "look cool" you do it for the satisfaction you get from punching an annoying 13 year old girl in the face.

Once again, being an E-Thug. you've never punched a 13 year old girl. shut the fuck up.

I think you missed his analogy, lol.

And lol@ the forums would be dead; So true.

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I heard noah punched a 13 year old girl in the face...  :(

<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="

name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="
type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>

(Just found that, if anyone can explain why that happened.....)

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I heard noah punched a 13 year old girl in the face...  :(

<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="

name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="
type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>

(Just found that, if anyone can explain why that happened.....)

In English she told him that the dishes weren't done yet

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I heard noah punched a 13 year old girl in the face...  :(

(Just found that, if anyone can explain why that happened.....)

In English she told him that the dishes weren't done yet


:( Noah, don't be so violent and stop implementing your analogies irl in an attempt to make them easier to understand.

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You're the reason I'm petitioning for new forum users to take an I.Q. test with their registration.

forums would die within a week

Many e-thugs, all who act tough because hating Justin Bieber makes them look cool.

hating justin bieber is like punching an annoying 13 year old girl in the face... you don't do it to "look cool" you do it for the satisfaction you get from punching an annoying 13 year old girl in the face.

Once again, being an E-Thug. you've never punched a 13 year old girl. shut the fuck up.

gg once again failfag, noah is the complete opposite of an e-thug..

:wub: :Hi:

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I fucking LOL'D at that vid.

Because guys punching girls for no apparent reason is HILARIOUS.

Wtf is with the amount of trolling on this forum nowadays, this is NOT 4chan, jesus fucking christ.

But seriously, you hacked a 12 year old kid, and you weren't expecting a shitstorm, what a moron. That's like spitting at a bee and not expecting to get stung.

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Gareth l Rare

I found the song more interesting than the topic

*raves to 2can play that game*

That's like spitting at a bee and not expecting to get stung.

Your singly my fav person on forums for that  :wow:
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I fucking LOL'D at that vid.

Because guys punching girls for no apparent reason is HILARIOUS.

Actually yes, it is. Punching anyone for no apparent reason is funny. Especially when you see their reactions, lmao.

Quit being such an uptight bitch; For lack of a better word. I'm sure I'm not the only one whose sense of humor extends beyond  the irrational bullshit that you'd like to call "normal". I hold a belligerent disposition and find debauchery hilarious & fun.

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I fucking LOL'D at that vid.

Because guys punching girls for no apparent reason is HILARIOUS.

Actually yes, it is. Punching anyone for no apparent reason is funny. Especially when you see their reactions, lmao.

Quit being such an uptight bitch; For lack of a better word. I'm sure I'm not the only one whose sense of humor extends beyond  the irrational bullshit that you'd like to call "normal". I hold a belligerent disposition and find debauchery hilarious & fun.

I just don't find men beating women funny in the slightest, therefore, i'm an uptight bitch? Nice.
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