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99 Hunter!

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I also made a short video how i trained it and reached 99. Enjoy! ^_^

ya im chase

Grats bro nice vid.

Should turn out to be a sick account and goodluck with next 99


Thx guys!  ^_^ Btw i'm not a botter. Why bot if after few months you'll be banned?



Hope u didn't bot it.

And if u didn't bot it nice life lol.


Thx guys!  ^_^ Btw i'm not a botter. Why bot if after few months you'll be banned?

because you dont get banned? :)


Congratz man :)


Thx guys!  ^_^ Btw i'm not a botter. Why bot if after few months you'll be banned?

cause ive botted 25m xp in it (450 rank) and im not banned


Rsbots.net... Nice :-)


Nice but with all the botters out there now its not that much of an achievement. Anywayyy how much cash did you make overall?


Nice but with all the botters out there now its not that much of an achievement. Anywayyy how much cash did you make overall?

I made 30m~ and i see only guests calling me botter, because they just came here to spam, but peoples who are in FOE are friendly and they don't talk sht. :)


Nice but with all the botters out there now its not that much of an achievement. Anywayyy how much cash did you make overall?

I made 30m~ and i see only guests calling me botter, because they just came here to spam, but peoples who are in FOE are friendly and they don't talk sht. :)

but dude u dit bot

Nice but with all the botters out there now its not that much of an achievement. Anywayyy how much cash did you make overall?

I made 30m~ and i see only guests calling me botter, because they just came here to spam, but peoples who are in FOE are friendly and they don't talk sht. :)

but dude u dit bot

I Did not, what makes you think that i botted? Because i have low other skills or something? And i'm not a lier...

at0mic skill

if you botted then, a waste of membership as you'll get banned

however if you didn't bot congratz and good luck training  :victory:

Gareth l Rare

grats on 99 hunting, the free gp' and sexy cape :shifty:


Too many people bot 99 hunter don't seem worth it for like 40m and obvious botted stat.


Too many people bot 99 hunter don't seem worth it for like 40m and obvious botted stat.

It's 30m now, it's shit.

Guest Emote|Muse

thanks for making chins cheaper I guess

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