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Void Tribriding


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Yo guyz, Pkblood/Daniel here.

I recently made pkbloodearn a zerker pure (no regrets *yet*) I also have another pure coming up. The main influence was Taco Limey's Void Tribriding Vids which were amazing to me. So here are my questions.

On my gear while Void Tribriding I will use: ----"?" next to ones i need your opinion-----

Helm: Void Helm (range/mage/melee)

Necklace: Glory, Strength, Fury????

Body: Void

Legs: Void

Gloves: Void

Cape: fcape/godcape/accumalator

Boots:? rune boots/climbing boots????

Ring: recoil? Life???

Left hand: Zammy book? Rune defender? MAge book? ???

right hand Mage: Ahrims staff? Ancient staff? Master wand???

right hand Range: Rune c bow-d bolts, Hand cannon-hand cannon shot, Dark bow-dragon fire arrows??????

right hand Melee: Dragon claws, Granite maul, dragon dagger, D long????

Thx for your help. I know this is a pure clan but Foe has a lot of mains and i love the friendly community.

--Daniel :)


helm: Melee,range,mage

body: void top

legs: void legs

boots: climbers/infinity

gloves: void gloves

cape: switch between god cape and fire cape, never accumulator tbh

weapons: Anchient staff or Ahrims or Staff of light/AGS or Claws/Karils bow or hand cannon(no need to accumulator)

Ammy: Fury if you dont mind the risk, glory if you dont want to risk fury.

Ring: Berserker/ring of life/recoil depends on what you want to risk.

And voidbridding is very hard, and alot of risk.....  get good at it before you pk lol


Necklace: Glory, Strength, Fury????

Boots:? rune boots/climbing boots????

Ring: recoil? Life???

Left hand: Zammy book? Rune defender? MAge book? ???

right hand Mage: Ahrims staff? Ancient staff? Master wand???

right hand Range: Rune c bow-d bolts, Hand cannon-hand cannon shot, Dark bow-dragon fire arrows??????

right hand Melee: Dragon claws, Granite maul, dragon dagger, D long????

Glory or fury, you decide.


Recoil. (Try seers etc).

Books your choice but dont use defender when range/maging.

Master Wand.

Rune C bow. (Only because handcannon is 2 handed).

Claws if you got money. (I would use runecbow with dds and cannon with claws).

watch me tb

you gotta be a pro switcher to be able to pull off shit like that. will take a lot of practice, good luck.


what steroidz said ^


you gotta be a pro switcher to be able to pull off shit like that. will take a lot of practice, good luck.

You don't have to be pro, you're only switching 4 items at a time.


All i can say is gl. Practice in cw and stuff before you go in pvp.


Bringing a ring of life crossed through your mind, therefore there is nothing more you need to know than regret what you're about to do


Whatever u do, i suggest fuckin hours or practice in clanwars before u try this shit in PVP, gl

I All Pr0 I

you gotta be a pro switcher to be able to pull off shit like that. will take a lot of practice, good luck.

You don't have to be pro, you're only switching 4 items at a time.

True,but if you die its back to the boat.


Yo guyz, Pkblood/Daniel here.

I recently made pkbloodearn a zerker pure (no regrets *yet*) I also have another pure coming up. The main influence was Taco Limey's Void Tribriding Vids which were amazing to me. So here are my questions.

On my gear while Void Tribriding I will use: ----"?" next to ones i need your opinion-----

Helm: Void Helm (range/mage/melee)

Necklace: Glory, Strength, Fury????

Body: Void

Legs: Void

Gloves: Void

Cape: fcape/godcape/accumalator

Boots:? rune boots/climbing boots????

Ring: recoil? Life???

Left hand: Zammy book? Rune defender? MAge book? ???

right hand Mage: Ahrims staff? Ancient staff? Master wand???

right hand Range: Rune c bow-d bolts, Hand cannon-hand cannon shot, Dark bow-dragon fire arrows??????

right hand Melee: Dragon claws, Granite maul, dragon dagger, D long????

Thx for your help. I know this is a pure clan but Foe has a lot of mains and i love the friendly community.

--Daniel :)

God cape AND accum, recoil, mages book and rune defender , dbolts rcbow. Dds OR claws. and a fury.


get a bot for PC and wait a week get like 5 sets and have fun.


Gage-Nz Bloods

the word i can say is just gl


tl;dr but GL, i want a zerker pure BAAAAD *fuckin slees fault, he's corrupting me*

Shut Up Kid

Necklace: Glory, Strength, Fury????

Boots:? rune boots/climbing boots????

Ring: recoil? Life???

Left hand: Zammy book? Rune defender? MAge book? ???

right hand Mage: Ahrims staff? Ancient staff? Master wand???

right hand Range: Rune c bow-d bolts, Hand cannon-hand cannon shot, Dark bow-dragon fire arrows??????

right hand Melee: Dragon claws, Granite maul, dragon dagger, D long????

Glory or fury, you decide.


Recoil. (Try seers etc).

Books your choice but dont use defender when range/maging.

Master Wand.

Rune C bow. (Only because handcannon is 2 handed).

Claws if you got money. (I would use runecbow with dds and cannon with claws).

what he said but instead of climbers use rune boots cuz better str bonus and higher def bonus

Helm: Void Helm (range/mage/melee)

Necklace: Glory or Fury... w/e you can afford

Body: Void + Take Dhide Top

Legs: Void + Take Rune Legs

Gloves: Void

Cape: fcape/godcape/accumalator

Boots: climbing boots or Wizzy/Infinity

Ring: Seers/Zerker/Warrior/Recoil

Left hand: Zammy book/Mage's Book and Rune Defender

right hand Mage: Ancient staff/Master wand (W/e you wanna risk)

right hand Range: Rune c bow-d bolts, Hand cannon-hand cannon shot, Dark bow-dragon fire arrows (completely up to you, though I'd recommend not using dark bow alone)

right hand Melee: Dclaws/AGS/DDS/Gmaul/Dlong but bring whip with w/e else you take..


Helm: Void Helm (range/mage/melee)

Necklace: Glory.

Body: Void/Corrupt Stat ( High hit ko's tbh. )

Legs: Void/Corrupt Stat "                             "

Gloves: Void

Cape: fcape/godcape/accumalator

Boots: Rune boots. Higher def than climbers.

Ring: Recoil. Zerker or seers if you can afford.

Left hand: Zammy book, mage if you can afford.

right hand Mage: Master Wand, Ancient staff if your welfare.

right hand Range: Rune Cross - Diamond bolts

right hand Melee: Whip, DDS, if your quick add a defender in your invy for a higher hit :nice:

Have fun.


uhh void switching is hela hard its usally 5item switches lol..


uhh void switching is hela hard its usally 5item switches lol..

Cape, defender, weapon, helm... what else is there? Ring? Ammy? no need for that shit.

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Omfg I love your sig LOL

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