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50 Cent


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I like the game better. He has alot more listenable songs. The documentary was dope. Really, that's the only "gangsta" music I listen to, lol.

50 Cent is far from a gangster lol and i don't really know anything about the game

You misunderstood what I said. I said "as far as 'Gangsta' music goes." I never said he was a thug or whatnot. And nah, The Game is dope. You should listen to him before claiming something like that.
what are some good songs by the game?
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what are some good songs by the game?

Basically the whole "Documentary" album.



start from scratch

like father like son


My life << Has wayne on the hook, but its fucking dope song. And wayne actually is sick on the hook..

The future - A joe budden song, but the songs dope and game spits on it.

There's more, these are just off the top.

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hahahahha look at your sig man

black nail polish and skinny jeans are fucking bad ass

And how does this relate to music in any way?

"He isn't that bad lol he just makes bad music now"

No idiot, he's shit

He's always been about money ever since he came up and still on that crap for years now

And that's why that band in ur sig, no one's ever heard of. "I make music for the p30pl3 d00d, i d0nt ca4r3 abou0t t3h m0n13z"

with that mentality, artists get nowhere.

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