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~Illustrator help please * MORE HELP NEEDED -.- *

severed arow

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severed arow

Will someone please tell me what the fuck those green anchor lines are stopping me from using the bloody pen tool how i want to it wont let me click on the right bloody spot because for some reason it wants me to click on this green line with makes the lines jagged and i want the smooth... how can i stop it or control it or use it to my advantage?

First time using the pen tool and boy is it pissing me off >=(

OK new problem i must have clicked something and now all the handles and anchor points ect arn't visible (like when im working on them) and i dont know how to get them back at the moment i have to hover my mouse along the line until i find the anchor points ect :/ any help please?


lmfao go to view and uncheck one of the snapping guides, i fucking hate snapping guides 0_o

severed arow

lmfao go to view and uncheck one of the snapping guides, i fucking hate snapping guides 0_o

Thanks :)

WTF i wont let me uncheck snap to point its greyed out ?


if you can't see the anchor points it may mean you havn't selected them, when creating paths use a black outline so u can always see what your doing, but take it off after.

Also, control + A = select all, this will find the anchor points for you.

severed arow

if you can't see the anchor points it may mean you havn't selected them, when creating paths use a black outline so u can always see what your doing, but take it off after.

Also, control + A = select all, this will find the anchor points for you.

they are selected thats the weird part its even while im still drawing them or using the direct select tool the just dont appear until i hover my mouse over it and handles never appear

is it cs4 and up to date? My PS CS4 isn't legit so it has no updates, and thus many glitches :(

severed arow

yes its uptodate mine isnt legit but i updates and stuff


beats me, maybe ur processor can't handle the size of the document, it's a vector image, so u may as well work on like 5cmx5cm and scale it up when ur done. Can't think of anything else soz

severed arow

beats me, maybe ur processor can't handle the size of the document, it's a vector image, so u may as well work on like 5cmx5cm and scale it up when ur done. Can't think of anything else soz

i highly doubt my processor can't handle it :L i remember clicking something and them going though but i can remember what

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