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Ump Pk Vid 4: Hybriding/Tribriding/1337

x redvsblue

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x redvsblue





EDIT: This is going to be my last "rushed" pk video. From now on, my next videos will contain

-higher/epic specs

-sick combos

-high risks

-dominating tanks/rune pures


auto retaliate.

calling knives sad.

shit talking when you have horrible kos

slow motion on a 10-17 dbow non-spec

^^^^ and this was only 1 minute into it, stopped vid after.

i am curious, did you think it was a good idea to upload this?


accutaly most boring video iv ever seen soz..


pretty good but many low hits


too many low hits, nice tho.

x redvsblue

auto retaliate.

calling knives sad.

shit talking when you have horrible kos

slow motion on a 10-17 dbow non-spec

^^^^ and this was only 1 minute into it, stopped vid after.

i am curious, did you think it was a good idea to upload this?

LOL im not trying to make one of the best pk vids.. basicly i just vid every ko i get put them all together and edit it... the only reason I even play rs anymore is just to edit videos and go on foe events otherwise rs is just a kids game.


Last vid was really good :( what went wrong dude

x redvsblue

Last vid was really good :( what went wrong dude

Rushed it i'll take my time on next 1

Truth Shine

Imho this vid is better than most other vids out there.

Good music

I give 5/5.


Lol your shit talking and calling rune knives sad and some pointless effects and zooming in on pointless stuff.

Couldnt watch the whole thing

x redvsblue

Lol your shit talking and calling rune knives sad and some pointless effects and zooming in on pointless stuff.

Couldnt watch the whole thing

I only said sad knives because they were shitting on me, and I only "shit talk" to distract them.

But its ok half the pk vids I watch I dont watch until the end so no affect on me =D


love the dragsĀ  ^_^

shouldve saves up more clips though

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