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The road to FOE.


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Well, I've been trying to get FOE requirements for a few weeks now, and now that I am P2P I can finally get them.

I will update this topic daily, don't think of it as a Goals and Achievements thread because those take time and effort to make, me I am just going to show you my daily stats and tell you what I did as I continue my way to FOE.

Just a little bit about me - My name is Cody, I'm 15, I live in the United States, my state is New York, I go to school I am a Sophmore, I will be 16 in about 5 Weeks my birthday is July 6th 1993, I play xbox alot, my Xbox GT is cpAtrocity I play CoD4, that is basically about it.

Currently Woodcutting 33k yews. -> Fletching -> Alching for 85 Magic.
2k/33k Yews chopped.

Doing this will allow me to get, 91 Woodcutting and 90 fletching and


Well here we go.

May 28th 2009.
May 27th 2009.
May 26th 2009.
May 25th 2009.

Well today had nothing much going on, so I fletched 1k yew longs and now I'm alching them, hopefully able to fletch the other 2k so I can buy me a D axe, here's my updated stats

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May 24th 2009.

My connection is at 2 Bars right now, because my Cable, Phone, Internet was shut off for about a week, so I will be back to full bars soon, but 2 bars allows me to woodcut at least and today I achieved 69 woodcutting. Should be 70-72 by tommorow thanks! also I do need a Dragon Axe only for about 1k more yews than I can fletch, alch, for one.

May 23rd 2009.

Posted Image

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get range or mage higher and you'll make it to FA

That's why I'm wood cutting and fletching 33k yews to alch for 85, What a great life.. :embarrased:

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Haha, Yeah I do need the luck chopping with as low woodcutting as I am right now, but thats why as I chop I post on the forums ;x

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43 attack is probably from member quests, he's probably questing to 50 attack.

Just a guess!

There's MUCH better ways of alching to 85 mage. This way will take a month, or two. Depending on how much you no life.

Hopefully you're not doing it legit, which is a good guess. LOL

good luck.

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Nice account you have there, too bad on the 43 attack, only 1 combat, considering 50? its only two more.

I was doing MM pre quest, for attack exp, and so I can get 50 attack and have Addy gloves! :)

2 Bar connection is really bad right now, can't update with pictures at the moment back to no lifein'

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Update 5/25/09 - I'm still on a 2 bar connection, Waiting for Monday Night Raw to be on, can't wait I'll probably log off, or slow down as I alch and watch.. Thanks everybody for your support ;) I'll be 82 Magic soon. Followed by 85 range.

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