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Pking Video Nine • lnitiated • Addy Daddy • Statius, Whip, Hybridding, DDS •


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Welcome to My Ninth Pking video, my eighth on lnitiated.  :victory:

Remember to watch in 720p {HD}
Click the image below to watch the video.

This video includes hybridding, statius risk, Oldschool Whip-DDS Pking, fighting at pvp locations like Edgeville, the Grand Exchange and Varrock and Bounty World pking locations like East Dragons and Edgeville.

This video didn't take me too long to make or edit, I just wanted to upload a video before I turn into a zerker.

My Current stats are:

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Youtube statistics:
Subscribers: 82
Channel Views: 872  
Total Upload Views: 9,226  

Upcoming Videos:
I will be uploading a pking video on iAbba soonish, I have enough clips, I just don't want to edit it yet and the clips aren't amazing, so I want to find some better ones.

I will also be uploading a video on lnitiated in the near future, I will be a zerker then though, so I have a lot of work to do between then and now.

Enjoy the video and please Rate :nice:, Hate (n) and Masterbate :blush:, comment and subscribe ;)


You didn't really fight anyone good tbh. Didn't like the beginning, you showed everyone that you died alot. Cool.


intro was kinda cool but other than that no one wants to see a 30 second long edge clip lol. If your gunna put edge clips in there make them quick kos cuz i exited out of boredom.. sorry man


was a proper slow paced vid, with alot of shitty clips that were way too long.

Wasn't a fan of the music to a certain extent either.


Vid was ok, clips a lil too long but good effort, some nice hits


dp scum

edit: lol at ur range and mage lvl


train your mage and range and go hybrid, then I'll like it more.


30 def no turmoil start over dp is starting to be a main clan, cant handle us without mains


30 def no turmoil start over dp is starting to be a main clan, cant handle us without mains and spying faggots

they cant handle us anyway

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