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Pkbloodearn PvP/Bh Vid 4 "Corruption"


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Pkbloodearn PvP/Bh Vid 4 "Corruption"

Gear 20 def

Gear 45 Def


Please leave a comment on the video and the channel..

Constructive Criticism/Vid improvments/ideas for next vid

Stats in Vid

60-70 attack

90 str

20-45 def

range/mage 87

ya im chase

Was pretty good bro. Hope you don't regret zerker.

Pm me sometime lol I'm always waiting to pk with someone


Pretty awfull tbh lol.

No variety

Clips too long

Shit clips anyway

Shit music


Watching you do dragon slayer

Gareth l Rare

shorten clips and NO commentary pking vids plz?  o.O

work on song choices and use a variety of clips. Its not the length of the vid, its the quality (also record with camista) <-- seriously its a must because as soon as ppl see hyper cam they think f this.  (n)


kk this was just an update sorta vid. Not really pk vid.

Next vid is void hybriding wml


No barrow gloves no go, no rune defender no goooo


If you're going to void hybrid, I hope you do it properly.

This was garbage thb, if you're a zerk then get barrows gloves, rune defender, etc.


long clips, only edge, pretty low hits, no defender. stopped watching at 3:16 when u slomod for a 20-15 spec


No barrow gloves no go, no rune defender no goooo


Was pretty boring pretty much straight melee dscim dds with not even brilliant hits :s sorry didnt really enjoy

I ItalyPK I

ok, sexy hits but u safe as a b****. 3/5


Lawl lawl lawl...

This was the first vid i just put all the clips in. didnt really care just wanted to edit something and get fresh clips ready for void tribriding.

No more flamez pl0x

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