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So i have decided to try something new and i have an account with 45 defence.

All prequests for barrows gloves have been done, although i got defence before turmoil, but the 46-48 defence won't bother me. I will be doing a lot of skilling/merchanting on this account anyways, so money isn't a problem. I have also looked into making a tank as i would like to solo high level monsters and have the benefits of a main but at the same time be a low combat. My favourite account builds would be:

Rune Pure

99 Attack

99 Strength

45 Defence

99 Range

99 Prayer

99 Magic

99 Hitpoints


- 70 Attack

- 70 Strength

70 + Defence

99 Range

99 Prayer

99 Magic

99 Hitpoints

What are your suggestions to this account and what account build should i pick?

Note: I will be taking a break from 1 Defence pures so please don't tell me to ''start over''.


Well, it depends on what you like to do.

Tanks are limited with range/mage while on a Berserker(rune) pure you can also use melee.

As far as i see it(And i own a nearly maxed tank and 103 combat berserker pure(w/o turmoil)), tanking can get boring, pking on them is really boring even if you hybrid on it while zerker w/ turmoil seems like the best choice  ^_^ i suggest you start by getting the range & mage up first, and see if you like it(keeping 45 def).

Good luck anyway  ;)

Gareth l Rare

Range tanks are more fun boss hunting wise

99deff, 99 range, 99 prayer is good combo for sara and arma godwars

But if melee i wouldnt get 99 att tbh

78 is max you need - d scmimie-claws- ss - whip - godsword - vesta long sword.

90-99 str is a must for any account, pking or hunting wise.

Go with that you believe is more fun

if doing on a 45deff pure, might aswell round to 50 (48 is  :unsure2: bleh) so can use granite shild (comes in handy for range deffence)

^ 99range on 50deff can be good for sara boss with team but not good in arma unless you mass and safe


I can't suggest what YOU should do, you sound like you have a high concept of runescape and ways to manage your skills, time and money so you should do well with what ever you deside.


PKing wise tank ranger can only melle and mage

but 45 deff can tribrid (but tanks can risk more because 99deff is hard to get spec'd out as much as 45deffs can)


Make a main 99 99 999 999 99 99 99 9 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 9 99 99 9 99


lol 99 prayer twice, gl irl


make a main they can be fun too at pking


95 pray imo, idk much about mains though


lol 99 prayer twice, gl irl

Have you ever heard of flipping stable items? it's great money. Less chance running out of prayer points and a nice cape, also more prayer points restored when using ppots.


Considering i pk using a maxed zerker, the mains that level.. well, some of, absolutely tear through me.

Like 78 attack 78 defence, 99 everything else, around 112 combat, can work wonders.


Rune pure is win

watch me tb

rly doubt ur gunna max 2 accounts out, not including 99 pray twice.

Going Pking3

lol 99 prayer twice, gl irl

Have you ever heard of flipping stable items? it's great money. Less chance running out of prayer points and a nice cape, also more prayer points restored when using ppots.

Ya but actually having the time to do that? If you have time to do that, there's something wrong with you..

But I would say the tank, because when I played they apparently ripped at there cb lvl.. And also that maxed zerkers got fed up by mains and stuff. But your choice..


zerkers can get boring if you dont hybrid.

get barrows gloves broski


78 atk, 78 def, 99 str, 99 magic, 99 ranged, 95 prayer, will be pretty simple if your a good hybrid :]

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