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I am Fishz

Z Fishz Z

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[shadow=black,left]Hello and Welcome[/shadow]

My Name is Fishz, and FOE has been my dream since I heard about pure clans,
and finally I'm getting close to eligible and want to share my progress!

I am planning on being a maxed Range / Maul hybrid
while staying true to 1 Prayer and 1 Defense

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Starting Stats   /   Current Stats

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About Me

Well, my name is Lance. I've been around since Summer of '02. I have had probably 10 different pures, each better than the previous, and I think I've finally found the good one. This build of stats in my opinion is the BEST possible pure that can be made. I can not wait to pk in my Mudskipper Hat, Flippers, and Fishing Cape, all to match my name  ;) My favorite combo of choice is Rune Knives (p++) to Darkbow, Maul special. I am hoping to apply for FOE around my third or fourth Goal-Mark. And I'm here to make some good friends, meet an amazing community, and let you all meet me. My PM is always on so feel free to Add/PM me  ^_^

The Question ZONE

Will update as new ones come and as old are answered

1. What are some quick eating methods while PKing? I know how to use Chocolate Bombs somewhat well, I believe at least. I think it is Food/Chocolate Bomb/Food/Chocolate Bomb/Repeat right? Used through DDS specials, etc. And how fast are like pies or some other two bite food in comparison with sharks?

2. What is another place to train strength? I like Rock Crabs and all but they get sooo boring, also extremely crowded and no drops. I've tried PHTP and it cool and all, but not so much fun with a Brine Sabre and Maul lol

How Much Longer?

Until FOE App


Currently Doing

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What I've Done

A.k.A. a Mini-Blog

         Today I did 9 quests and got my much needed Addy Gloves. Farmed some Mud Hats n Flips. Now off to Fire Giants for 83 Range. Got around 120-130k range exp.

         Today I'm gunna go ahead and get 92 Hunting as I am running a little short on cash. Then finish off 83 Range and Fishing. Finished 92 Hunting, and made around 900k. Headed back to Fire Giants for 83 Range. Finished it. Stats updated to reflect the two level ups.

         Today I just got suspended from school for the last couple periods because I had too much facial hair, a quarter inch goatee, is this a joke? Nope, here I am at home lol, I also added a new area to my thread, it's an area I place questions that experienced clan and pure members may know and I'm looking for a little help (Thank You in advance). So today I am headed to Shilo Village for a nice 170k fishing exp for 83 woohoo! Then maybe I'll allow myself a break to go PKing with some mates tonight, maybeeee lol. *Walks off to Shilo*  Finished off 83 Fishing, completing Goal-Mark #1. Went PKing, was 10 k0s straight without a death making around 650k, then Only Triumph challenged a DM and I wasn't going to decline so I accepted and got into it to only hit a 8-0-0 D Bolt/Maul spec... and he used straight Vesta Long to finish the DM easily. GF.

         Today I went and got 75 Strength at Fleshies, which I discovered are quite nice exp and cash/hr for a 1 def pure. Made some pocket change and got the level. I then went PKing and got really hot. Not much DP though cause I've gotten quite a few kills on not much time, so that leads into my current goal, cursing to 55 Magic so I can alch in the Wildy for DP time and Targ's. So that's where I leave off tonight and will pick up tomorrow.

         Today I had quite a bit going on IRL that I had to take care of, but I still managed to get about 3k Curses done, I'll finish off the last 1.5k tomorrow, 51 Magic atm.
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For Lyfe :) Spent a couple hours at fires and just got done with a little F2P pking for fun, got a couple kills :p

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all the best achieving this.

You know that other maxed mauler lvl 73 called mummy zenior?

Yeah I've seen him and I used to pk with the old Mauling Mj.

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