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FOE Website

II Alek II

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The layout of the website is just about finished in terms of programming. Now if you don't know what "placer sprites" are, then here is an explanation of it.

Placer sprites are images which programmers use to "place" which are of low or no quality so they can later be replaced by images (sprites) created by graphic artists.

With that said, I have created "placer" sprites in this website demo. It is up to the graphics department to make these placer sprites into great images.

Here is a link to download the website (100kb):


Now I still have to program the buttons in the "body" area of the website, along with format the website for more than just 1024x768 computer screen resolutions.

Here is how the website is being laid out:


And here is how I would like the website to somewhat look (or how I would imagine it to look good):


I think the pieces should go from dark to lighter, in which the body area is the lightest (white), which would contain the actual content. Also notice how the FOE Bird is broken up between the header and footer which are combined together seamlessly to create one image.

Please note: I'm still not done programming. The placer image dimensions may possible stay the same, or they may change slightly. I figured I would post this up so you guys can get some practice in.

Attention: Make sure you unzip the website. The placer sprites are included. Open up the index file to preview it. Please note as I stated above that I am not done programming.

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  • II Alek II


  • I C0NN0R I


  • Shut Up Kid


  • severed arow



That is very generous of you Alek, that's a big task to manage.

Did you get a green light from any higher ups?


Uaex V Jad (Alex)

Gareth l Rare

Sounds good man. If you need any help with anything just pop it on here and most likely everyone will be more than happy to help.


Well if this has administrative approval I'm sure that the entire community would be more than willing to help out with whatever needs to be done.

That being said, it would have been nice for somebody like yourself who obviously has plans to do such a thing to present themselves to the community that isn't involved in the members boards before coming to us to ask for such a big task.

II Alek II

Well I posted up some screenshots of some layout and design.


Sorry about not giving a little personal background/lack of presentation. I understand this is a tedious project and will require lots of effort. I know I'm still the new guy around here and not too many people know me. With that said, I hope I don't come off as "Hey, make me something amazing and waste all your time for someone you don't know".


Honestly I thank you for your understanding on what I previously said (which after reading I realized it's a massive run on sentence that makes probably half the sense of what I initially wanted to say), definite kudos to you sir. 

I think a group project is what we need as a graphics community right now. If we get people involved with this it may turn out to be really good in my opinion. Just let us know what needs to be done via topic or PM,  as for now I'll try and get the other artists of FOE in on this as well.

II Alek II

Thanks for your support D72. I'll clean up this thread and update it when I make some further progress. The way the website is being designed, it will be more graphic heavy than programming heavy; therefore you guys can take as much time as you need. None of us are getting paid to do this, and I'm assuming most of us will be only rewarded with satisfaction of a job well done.

With that said, I'll get back to work :)


i will help out wherever i can  :nice:

II Alek II

Programming is about 15% complete. I aligned the header, footer, and sides.


I made the placer sprites have gradients so you can see what I mean by having all the "pieces"

coming together seamlessly. I'll work on this some more tomorrow.

My monitor is in 1024x768 resolution. The website is at 1000x750.

Edit: As you can see the body of the website is black, because that is an empty space right now. I'm going to be adding the buttons and body image background next.


I'm willing to help wherever I'm needed. :nice:


I'm willing to help wherever I'm needed. :nice:

let me know if you need anything, buttons, backgrounds, text, logos w/e

II Alek II

Believe it or not I'm just about done coding it. I'll be testing it across multiple browsers and if it looks good, then this project will come together very nicely.


You mean the graphics are already done?

II Alek II

No, the graphics aren't even started yet. The website is about 60% coded. I want to work out all the kinks first before I have the GFX team getting to work. I want to make sure all the dimensions are correct so you guys don't have to keep editing your work for a few minor pixel errors.

I'll edit the first post.


IMO the sides should either be a pattern that just compliments the rest of the page, or one image/screenshot used for a kind of second background. Having two random images on either side looks cheap and nasty.

I just like remade your layout on layers/grayscale. Good to Go.

You gona supply images? Are we going to use the background on current forums? maybe replace the little tree things with the FOE bird.

severed arow

i'd be glad to help out i also know quite a bit about web design but yeh glad to help


Posted Image

So, you gona supply the images? what's going to go in the background?

We should have like an image of the FOE eagle, with some text on a background, that fades into this home page. :shifty:

Gareth l Rare

Currently doing web designing at college (flash websites)

So i cant give a great help on the layout designs coding but i can help on any graphical designs needed.

If you want a special banner i can try draw a new one (pencil->gfx) but if you think of anything i can do :) and if i think of any ideas which can contribute ill post them here.

(ps thanks for the opportunity)

II Alek II

I'll be supplying the images. In matter of fact I will be sending you guys the websites. Just don't edit the html or css code. The images will be provided with the website. Just use the image dimensions. I'll let you know when I'm done.

Shut Up Kid

that blue white design looks straight out of a powerpoint background, and its ugly, you sure you want that design?

II Alek II

Um, if you read the first post you would understand that those are placer sprites.

Shut Up Kid

oh, well i have no idea about any of this stuff so yeah, i was just puttin down some constructive criticism

II Alek II

Alright, I posted up the website; GFX artists, start toying around with the placer sprites.

Shut Up Kid

^what do you mean, cuz i want to see if i can maybe contribute somehow

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