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Runescape sold to Microsoft or Blizzard?


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i wish they sold it to blizard  atleast they listen to there players  :wub:

newfag. you don't know shit.

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i wish they sold it to blizard  atleast they listen to there players  :wub:

newfag. you don't know shit.


Hope so that they will sell it to Blizzard.

Blizzard actually knows what their players want.

If blizzard would buy rs i bet they would remove trade limit n shit.

I've heard ppl that play WoW, say Blizzard has nerfed classes. Changed some spells, dungeons etc. It's just they bring something equally as good back though. JaGeX, get rid of staking and wildy. and brings back this BH?
Twist Trip

Hope so that they will sell it to Blizzard.

Blizzard actually knows what their players want.

If blizzard would buy rs i bet they would remove trade limit n shit.

I've heard ppl that play WoW, say Blizzard has nerfed classes. Changed some spells, dungeons etc. It's just they bring something equally as good back though. JaGeX, get rid of staking and wildy. and brings back this BH?

Your avatar... Is... Like.. Yeah cool story bro^


Trust me, I pray everyday the Blizzard buy this game and fix it up.


Trust me, I pray everyday the Blizzard buy this game and fix it up.

maybe your prayers will be answered sam ^.^

Blizzard have enough business sense not to buy a sinking ship, unless they'd bring back wildy and free trade

R U S H E Rz

I play WoW myself, and Blizzard wouldnt know wtf to do with Runescape honestly. Though if they know whats going on, it will be AMAZING.

Mike (0BR)

Why the fuck would they talk about this shit over a forum? They have head offices and boardrooms for a reason lol..


This wont happen

Its just speculative shit.

Life To Dds

nah its fake

Ya i am Good

well i dont play wow cus its fucking gay

but if they were to buy it atleast they would do bettur id hope >.>


It's fake but yeah, I saw the vid and it was like when everyone thought "Sailing" was the

new skill rofl :lol: But yeah, OT: I think Blizzard would kinda ruin it, think "Great! we have runescape,

well since WoW sells good enough, we can do watever to it", never update it and just leave it

to rot, but I guesse they'll be making millijoons of moneys. Would they know how to bring old wildi

back in the first place? Meh it's fake anyway. I don't mind RS as it is, PvP is my home now, although

old wildi was around 100mx better.. I might infiltrate JaGex and threaten Mr.Gower to get old wildi back,

I only live a Mile from their HQ :shifty:

watch me tb

if old wildy comes back then i come back

Would be nice 2 pk along side all the classic foe  :D but IMO i think its just publicity

Andrew has worked on rs since he was a lil kid and has made it his career. Unless someone is going to give him a very generous nest egg to retire on, i doubt he would sell.

Then again its just an opinion and i could be wrong.  ^_^ Lets just wait and see what happens, only time will tell.

he already has a very generous nest egg to retire on.

Don't see it happening in the near future, Blizzard are releasing multiple games (Diablo 3 which looks fucking awesome, Starcraft 2 and another WoW expansion as well as a few other games.) this year/early next year  so they woudn't be seeking a java game to add to their collection I don't think.

As for customer service Blizzard do outdo Jagex, they will modify gameplay for you if you ticket the issue and find something to have gone wrong int the game whether it be a glitch or another player disturbing your game play. They also modify gameplay on what they think needs nerfing, i mean can you imagine specific weapons like ags being nerfed to hit 10 less or nerfing a stat.  As for real world trading people bot the shit out of farming gold and pvp as well as buying/selling gold, however Blizzard do ban the people who are caught frequently.  You also have to realise that over 11-12 million people play WoW, the game costs 15$(US) a month so their income is over 165m dollars a month compared to runescapes say 5-6million if there are even that many members.

bwuak maul

i wish they sold it to blizard  atleast they listen to there players  :wub:

newfag. you don't know shit.

you had a bad day bro, randomly flaming for me noting   :omg:

i played wow for 1 and a half year i know what im talking about if i say blizard listens to there players.  :Hi:


i wish they sold it to blizard  atleast they listen to there players  :wub:

newfag. you don't know shit.

you had a bad day bro, randomly flaming for me noting   :omg:

i played wow for 1 and a half year i know what im talking about if i say blizard listens to there players.  :Hi:

you gonna get raped if u talk to stef with sass.

did u get this from nightmare RH's video?


did u get this from nightmare RH's video?

i suggest reading the post before posting on it.

yes i did. and if you didnt get that sarcasm i said it in the post.



blizzard hates runescape! they would ruin it even more >.<


new rs pwns neway


Old wildy, would be a nice change to start with.


I don't see why you would sell Runescape it's a pretty big thing, it's clearly making enough money.

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