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really, mister 10k posts?


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Being my last act of business here, I have to address the child with 10,000 posts who obviously relates post count to penis size: Judging purely by your choice of words and the way you chose to structure that atrocity you call a post, I know for a fact I'd destroy you in any aspect of intellectual conversation (relating to the 'attempting to act smart' comment). See, some people don't just act smart. I realize it's rare to see intelligence on a forum surrounded with preteens and /b/tards, but it does exist. And no, your post count does not equate to penis size. I'd suggest you get out a bit and exercise, but I have a sneaking suspicion that your parents have been telling you that for a long time now.

That is all.

anyone who knows me can add me on:

msn: kesonus69@ikillclowns.com


or on facebook: look4edin@hotmail.com

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why you are an idiot:

[17:19:04] <[Foe]True> he tried 2 say postcount doesn't equate to dick size

[17:19:06] <[Foe]True> when clearly it does

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