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Midgg Pk Video 1 ~ Runescape Pure PKing


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Enjoy! I had a lot of fun making this so I'd thought I would share it since it's had pretty positive feedback so far.. 1St Time on a full video using vegas :D <3

Superioth L


Nice vid but at some parts it felt too slow 4/5


Nice pk vid :D



Nice vid but at some parts it felt too slow 4/5

Aite, I'll try to fix that in next video :)


Yh was decent mate, I hate that last song but others were refreshing that for once the vids wernt made by emo idiots.

Decent clips but with 99 str a 10/10 vid should contain all 30+ hits.


Yh was decent mate, I hate that last song but others were refreshing that for once the vids wernt made by emo idiots.

Decent clips but with 99 str a 10/10 vid should contain all 30+ hits.

Alright cheers :D, I'll spend a lot more time gathering clips on next video Steroids #1!

i liked the vid but  i thought u could have put more hybriding at drags and varrock etc... and make it abit longer all in all nice vid


Was pretty decent, last song sucked in my opinion and the zooming at the beggining was really annoying  ;)

make the next one a bit longer and maybe more drags hybridding  ^_^ GL


fucking loved it, none of tht fucking emo epic SHITE and the clips were funny tbh, i loled at when u were bgsing the runepure and epic 45s+ i cant even do tht on my maxed main with turm lmao.. also at 2;15 ' hey sup , are you mad ' ?

subbed and 5/5 epic bro keep making vids


i don't like emo-music but the music you used didn't fit the video



i don't like emo-music but the music you used didn't fit the video


that girl in ur avas vids r fucked up

I ItalyPK I

a bit short but not bad 4/5



You realy had to post that, didn't you :(

Superioth L

true whip bad troll nvm him kk


was alright, good music and stuff, speed some of the clips up though.


it's another version of true whip pk video 4


it's another version of true whip pk video 4

why the hell u gotta flame me wtf


pretty gud.

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