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On my way 2 91 mage


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Hey just thought id make a little topic for my 91 mage goal, currently at 88 :)

[ TRACKER ]: Exp gains for Desplte in last 1wk:  

Overall(+13) +1,691,577 | Str(80->81) +70,277 | Cns(75) +25,051 | Range(77) +6,798 | Mage(84->88) +1,418,301 | Cook(55->62) +171,140 | Bounty-Rogue(4) +1

2nd tracker:

(09:52:08) -[ET]RuneScript- *** [ TRACKER ]: [Overall] Exp gains for Desplte in last 1wk: Overall(+6) +1,624,507 | Str(81) +4,394 | Cns(75) +2,637 | Range(77) +2,047 | Mage(85->89) +1,615,419 | Bounty-Rogue(4) +1

Yay finished 90 magic, I will eventually get 94 mage, but for now, here it is :)

Mage(85->89) +1,802,039


Gratz gl with 91


Why 91? Get 94 :D

R U S H E Rz

Yea why 91? Pot barrage? May aswell get 94 if thats the case. I'm alching myself atm, just hit 93! SO CLOSE!



not sure why 91 but gl  ^_^


'grats and goodluck!


91 for what reason?


Hey updated, 89 magic, i deciding im stopping once i hit 90 later today, due to the fact im getting bored and im gunna try out some pot-alch, then i will slowly get 94 :P Thanks for all the replies and support.

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