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cash muney

Guest Emote|Muse

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Muse is 1337pk

o0 PK Vids

hahaha i remember those days... my best lure was ranger/robin set and 5m cash. and another 11m lure. i had a luring vid on my old acct but the file is now corrupt. gf. i miss those memories.

ya im chase

reported for lure


haha nice lure mate.

Guest Emote|Muse

that was actually me killing a talker lol, :3


that was actually me killing a talker lol, :3

and thats what we all want, you talking, more.....



Nice my best was green mask, might have actually been after the ditch update aswell, cant remember.


lol penis

Going Pking3

Nice and weren't black cavs or whatever that black hat is called worth mills back then?

mr d stroy

Nice and weren't black cavs or whatever that black hat is called worth mills back then?

they were worth like a mil. Nice lure though lol,gives me good reason not to come back


Lures were fun, the game was fun, fuck.


good days. When every pure robes/boots/pots and shit all looked cool.

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