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~!~ My Goals ~!~

Shut Up Kid

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Shut Up Kid

So i've got no plans for the weekend and think im just gonna stay up alllll night for like 50 hours and bore myself to death.

So i want 70+ range and 70+ Str, i will post all loots, and level ups here, start it off with this

This is a good day

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2 more! :lol:

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so yar this is no longer 24 hour thread but all time thread.

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Shut Up Kid

Good luck man, 50 hours would kill me

yeah pry kill me 2, i'll pry stay up one night then sleep for 20 hours lol

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Shut Up Kid

l2bot pls.

fuck off. i dont bot, never have never will. i play the game the right way. im not some lazy faggot who cheats to get halfway decent. you suck, gtfo

edit: lmao i dont bot kids. and also didnt do the all-niter because stupid internet was down.

i no life better

ye teach me gud no life plz ;o

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Shut Up Kid

Shut up, kid. Lol name change now

i was thinking critisgay idk tho.

55 slayer now, maybe 73ish range around with it. dunno, dont care. scapinĀ  :D

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