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R U S H E Rz Pk Lewts

R U S H E Rz

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R U S H E Rz

I be doing da pew pew and they go GG and I'm like sup gimme your lewts.

PS: Got barrage a few days ago, still learning how to hybrid in my (lol) mystic gear!

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Cya :)


4 serens in a few days... fml your lucky

gratz to  ^_^

edit - woops these may not have been in a few days


Main = nice loots

R U S H E Rz

Mucca they were within 2 days :P

Fml died to some maxed ags pure twice in hybrid gear. GG


Main = nice loots


you rushed me earlier, you're nothing but a new fag peice of shit. you cant even 1v1 me. you have too get your boyfriend too pj me for a kill.

R U S H E Rz

Rs name Hauduken or w/e your name is? And where at?


3a, near the burners. far east. world 18 bh, got it on vid aswell, shows how much of a shit pker you are, nothing but a claw prod tbh.

R U S H E Rz

3a near the burners far east? Idk what that even means...and you call me a "claw prod", what does that make you? A dds prod? Ags prod? Whatever the F you use "prod".

Now gtfo my thread if you dont have anything to say regarding the loot.


3a near the burners far east? Idk what that even means...and you call me a "claw prod", what does that make you? A dds prod? Ags prod? Whatever the F you use "prod".

Now gtfo my thread if you dont have anything to say regarding the loot.

you use nothing but claws, and you rely on them for a ko. therefore your a prod. and you know damnwe ll what it means.

Far east, just outside of multi north east of the ge. NEAR THE FUCKING BURNER for the infernal adze, dotn act innocent you failure.

R U S H E Rz

Okay I claw spec, if they dont die I dont just LOLOLOL IM GONNA RUN NOW I stay and fight till I'm out of food, unless it was a dm? I still have range and mage, i dont rely ONLY on claws.

Gtfo now.

Guest Emote|Muse

both of u are shit rune pures now quiet before ur featured in my a log


both of u are shit rune pures now quiet before ur featured in my a log

I know im a shit rune pure, and I admit it. wooo.


Main = nice loots


So much flaming  :(

Very nice loots tho , as for 'mains getting good loot' - i don't think that it applies on me, i get shit loot on any of my accounts  :angry:


tbh you're a tyras helm prod.



lol at the haduken kid bitching about a rusher. "liek OMG HE RUSHED ME" look at his rsn lolz.

also i could drop both of you at the same time

R U S H E Rz

F5 for spec I'm considering leaving my tyras helm theme alone for now, it doesnt go with mystic like a zerker helm does.

Nuff flaming, back to the kills?


lol at the haduken kid bitching about a rusher. "liek OMG HE RUSHED ME" look at his rsn lolz.

also i could drop both of you at the same time

i dont give a fuck about rushers, i give a fuck about rushers when they do 2v1, and then dont dare fight me 1v1.

R U S H E Rz

Done flaming and spamming my thread? Thanks.


lol at the haduken kid bitching about a rusher. "liek OMG HE RUSHED ME" look at his rsn lolz.

also i could drop both of you at the same time

i dont give a fuck about rushers, i give a fuck about rushers when they do 2v1, and then dont dare fight me 1v1.

can i fight both you guys 2v1 just to prove i own?

lol at the haduken kid bitching about a rusher. "liek OMG HE RUSHED ME" look at his rsn lolz.

also i could drop both of you at the same time

i dont give a fuck about rushers, i give a fuck about rushers when they do 2v1, and then dont dare fight me 1v1.

can i fight both you guys 2v1 just to prove i own?

I know my stats fail and I don't care if you own me, tbh.


not to bad atallatall


just saw you in pvp and was muted so couldn't talk.

Fyi, I was rushing the faggot who has been rushing me for the last 2 hours, so please gtfo.

L 1 Z 3 R

nice loots bro.

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