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My upcoming pure :)


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Well as some of you know i like to play on different kinds of accounts, got a high level main, high level berserker pure(old school, not turmoil) and nearly maxed tank.

Because i played on this accounts and trained them all, my pure was 'left out'.

So around a month ago i decide to get my p2p on my pure and started training it.

This is what i achieved in a month:

1-91 hunter(huge goal i had, my bank is based on that and my 81 fishing from ages ago)

83-85 strength(almost 86, got zeals for it but saving them)

90-91 range

Many quests completed

bank went from around 3m to 35m

So i still got to finish few things before i apply to foe(probably on summer, can't promise anything  ;)):

99 hunter - for the cape, to get money i do imp hunting at mos Le'harmless

finish ~20 quests(up to roving elves, anchor and rfd + few more before i get 52 pray)

99 strength - big goal right there, doing it sw prod style this time(You guys try doing it legit for the 3rd time!)

94 mage - another huge goal, will be my 4th account with 94+ mage, will be a pain.

99 range - this will be the easiest part, im already 91, got 17k chins banked and 99 hunter should do it.

50m+ net worth - again, easy enough with hunt.

Stats as of 9/5:

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Bank - 3 days ago(add to that 8m cash):

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Update #1:

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Update #2:

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Will upload some pics when i get the time to do so :)

any suggestions will be nice  ^_^

Shut Up Kid

berserkers arent pure, other then that gl :D


you should at least post pics of your account right now :o

Gareth l Rare

Sounds good :D good luck with goals

also post screenies  ^_^


Nice man, goodluck with your goal


Thanks guys :)

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^bank from 3 days ago, 16m cash now

x redvsblue

You sir, have WAY too much time on your hands.


get your mage up ;) other than that nice acc so far


Thanks guys, i know i should work on my magic :) - will probably burst after i'm done with strength and range.

Updated bank picture + stats as of today(09/05/10):

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^86 strength, 35m net.


Nice, best of luck with goals.


You sir, have WAY too much time on your hands.


You sir, have WAY too much time on your hands.


You should let me on him... Ya know to make sure its safe..

Guest Emote|Muse

pro botter

pro faggot hypocrite

pro botter

Thats just pathetic, i simply spend my time on this game wisely, and i bet i play less hours a day then most people  ;) it's just the things you do while you're on, if you set your mind to achieve something, go for it, don't go and mess around doing nothing and you will get there, also in real life  ^_^

Anyway, Update:

89 strength(sw, cba doing it any other way and i get either 6 or 9 zeals an hour, it's decent), finished few more quests such as one small favour and few reqs for RFD, bank is at 41m now mostly because i had some luck and got kingly+dragon implings while questing :)

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Tsuchi Nara

some bank pictures would be nice and get mage :o

watch me tb

pro botter

Thats just pathetic, i simply spend my time on this game wisely, and i bet i play less hours a day then most people  ;) it's just the things you do while you're on, if you set your mind to achieve something, go for it, don't go and mess around doing nothing and you will get there, also in real life  ^_^

Anyway, Update:

89 strength(sw, cba doing it any other way and i get either 6 or 9 zeals an hour, it's decent), finished few more quests such as one small favour and few reqs for RFD, bank is at 41m now mostly because i had some luck and got kingly+dragon implings while questing :)

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either u botted, or no lifed.. cant say u didnt do either.



pro botter

Thats just pathetic, i simply spend my time on this game wisely, and i bet i play less hours a day then most people  ;) it's just the things you do while you're on, if you set your mind to achieve something, go for it, don't go and mess around doing nothing and you will get there, also in real life  ^_^

Anyway, Update:

89 strength(sw, cba doing it any other way and i get either 6 or 9 zeals an hour, it's decent), finished few more quests such as one small favour and few reqs for RFD, bank is at 41m now mostly because i had some luck and got kingly+dragon implings while questing :)

Posted Image

either u botted, or no lifed.. cant say u didnt do either.
2-3 hours a day and 6-8 a day on weekend, that's how i got it done ^_^

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