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So, I was watching a video.....


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Ok this is fucking crazy. I turned your vid on and the song on there was the same song I was listening as I turned it on.


Its zeh noob


You've spammed all these topics in public rants. Congratulations.


LOL its east drags... everyone prayers at east's

LOCK this stupid fucking topic. ffs


Nh Moris right


I would do same....

Then ur nhing as well he could just run without prayers

Mori, the main was running towards him, kevin saw it and started run, he FREEZED kevin so he couldnt move, kevin started praying and attacking back so he would get off him more easily, i bet he was clicking mini map to run off. Also that kid is fucking main, should be burned

he wasnt running he ags speced him and bridded for abit it was nh but understandable still tho not excuseable


Sorry for triple post just watched more and Kyle got killed by him aswell but didnt pray so.. I guess its kind of black and white


well i think its kinda pointless fighten some1 same offensive stats as u as well as def u know i might have prayed n said leave me alone and if not just ran but not prayed and fight.............


Nh but why's this in public rants?


Z0mG lonck dis thread lmao


imb4lock, no one cares, find better things to do then examine vids for nh clan'ers


in his defence he is asian, probably clicked the protect pray instead of 15%'s

I thought that Asians were bad drivers?? :D

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