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[Foe p2p pk trip, Friday August 31st 2oo7]

Justin|1 PureDevil

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Justin|1 PureDevil

Friday 31st August 2007
Official P2P FOE Only (NO FA) Trip

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After the great fun with MM last week, We set out much the same with more impressive ops than in along time,
As our trips are mainly is FOE only it is a test of real Full clan strength and character.

We Massed and walked up to hills maxing about 100 Ops.
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We heard that Mayhem-Makers, Fatality and The Hatred were all activily pking P2P.
We hopped a few worlds in search for these clans to no avail.

Meanwhile we picked off some other smaller pk teams.
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Word got out FI had ran in with Mayhem-Makers, So we decided to see what TH were upto.

After a while of searching we found a depleated op'd TH, I'd estimate about 45 ops, which our lower rank members picked off losing no ops, While our higher ranks got bashed by a few high levels who were following them.

After a quick trip to the back with loot, FI set us the challenge to take them on, Not knowing there strength as they had beaten MM, We rose their challenge.

After walking around for a while we were told by there higher officials they were waiting for us at ports.

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With only 72 Ops, The stage was set.

We charged from the new easten member gate, toward there 4x3 Rectangle where they were awaiting, Ultimatly FOE was triumphant.

Foe Starting Ops: 72

FI Starting Ops: 78


FOE Ending Ops: 51 ops. (Ace should have pic)

FI Ending Ops: 0

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**Pictures By NayNay
(I myself died within about 3 seconds due to leading. :huh:)

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Video by C_o_r_r_a_n1

Video by Cream Fever

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Also Check Out, The FOE Movie Trailer By FOE's Evil X Killa.


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