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It's been a while....

Level 99 Hp

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Level 99 Hp

This is just some old and new pics. Let me know what you think of my current account.

August 12, 2007

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August 24, 2007

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September 5, 2007

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July 12,2008...Quit in October 2007 but was hacked for def. I just got 70 attack for fun

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April 5, 2010

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April 25, 2010

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May 7, 2010

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May 13,2010

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Hey dudeee whats up long time no see. (X0 Plox U X0)


It's... alright. 99 agil and hunt though? Bot or legit?  :sleep:

Just get like 60+ in all skills, you'll look.. alright.



Pretty nice main there. :)

Level 99 Hp

After the moron who hacked me sold my mask set when the crashed.... approximately when red's were 19... I lost everything and started from scrath. I had 45 mill until I spent 10 mil on dragon bones for 70 prayer. Right now around 35 mil.

Oh and to answer that other person's question, I didn't bot it's legit. You can see some differences in stats from 99 hunting until 99 agility, that was mostly due to quests and other bs I wanted to do.


Oh and to answer that other person's question

Same person.  ^_^

And oh, not too bad, just afk fish if you want money.. 75m for 6 weeks of afking a coupla hours a day is good shit.

+ Credits for doing agil and hunt legit. People ask me if my fish cape is botted, so yeah. But i had to ask with the increase in agility botters these days + hunt is just a primarly botted skill. Nevertheless, nice.  :nice:


Hey man, good to see another person I can talk to back haha :P


Lol main  :o B) :omg: :ph43r: :embarrased: :sleep:

Level 99 Hp

Yea main... was hacked for defense and it's whatever. I'm fine with it actually because it seem's like being a pure sucks now ( No offense intended ). I joined a pc clan and I'm getting 99 attack soon... should only take me a week and a half longer to get it.

Richy ranger

hey mate.

Long time no see (:

Nice stats u got there & gl with 99 atk


hey mate.

Long time no see (:

Nice stats u got there & gl with 99 atk

Lol at ur sigs  :wow:

:o didn't know you were still playing

anyways,, that's a pretty nice main you've got there ;)


'grats and nice account you've got there!

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