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This is so topic worthy o.O

Twist Trip

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Twist Trip

So I was at varrock and saw a voider with karils xbow and ranging ammy. Cool story.

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Paniced so much I even forgot to pickup the snakeskin boots (dbowers everywhere D:)


he laggd

Twist Trip

he laggd

You did? Sorry.


good loot for 1ep

Twist Trip

good loot for 1ep

I was unlucky and lost some big risk yesterday :3


good loot for 1ep

more like epic loot for 1 ep lol. nice kill

he laggd

Agreed, Voiders safe and u koed him with a 230

Beside that nice loot

Twist Trip

he laggd

Agreed, Voiders safe and u koed him with a 230

Beside that nice loot

Thanks. I'm pretty sure he didn't lag but he was a complete noob. He was only level 67 and he safed loads when I ddsed him, and I pulled cbow right after ddsing him. But yeah what do I know.


Nice ownage for 1 Ep what did you lose yesterday couple d bows?

Twist Trip

Na I went hybridding and met Dj Shantay or something, he had a nice ags. Then I went hybridding again, and met this guy with some claws, and went 1v1ing, met a level 72 with a ags. Basically I had a real shitty day where I met around 7 clawers and 2 agsers. I risk around 500k-2m when I hybrid. Depends what my bank is at


how did u made so many screens so fast and managed to safe them.


I don't care about one void kill, and bankloot, k?

These topics are getting too frequent.


You can barely attack him not hard

Twist Trip

Not saying it's hard or it takes skill.. The average noob in granite plate and rune legs could do this with some decent strength.. Just wanted to share as it is pretty funny in my opinion.


yeh its hilarious..


He must have a bad internet connection


how did u made so many screens so fast and managed to safe them.

He pressed on prt scr once but he paniced so he kept clicking on prt scr :)
Twist Trip

yeh its hilarious..


how did u made so many screens so fast and managed to safe them.

He pressed on prt scr once but he paniced so he kept clicking on prt scr :)

Yep xD

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