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Foe vs Fi (14/05/2010)


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why do u say 'out' when you have a pie and a necklace left lol. try and run away when your out, not just let urself die,

and dont bring super atk pots vs pures, also dont bring 1-3 dosis sup res/brews lol, always 4 dosis.

also work abit on your prayer switching, remember to use 15%s

else gud gud and was a fun mini (:

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im a fat kid

zany he didn't ask for criticism or tips. Its simply a topic to show the mini.

gj guys, was a good come back :)

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why do u say 'out' when you have a pie and a necklace left lol. try and run away when your out, not just let urself die,

and dont bring super atk pots vs pures, also dont bring 1-3 dosis sup res/brews lol, always 4 dosis.

also work abit on your prayer switching, remember to use 15%s

else gud gud and was a fun mini (:

Tbh ur right, but coincidental I started to merch with all my cash that day I'll be having a good gear by next mini, that's also the reason why I didn't use 15% to keep praying, I know that's abit welfare but we needed people and I had nothing to do (like always)

So dw ;)

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o sry then, but yeah if i posted a vid i would be more than happy to recieve feedback. soo yeah only to be helpful :)

I can handle critism and it's helpful as you said :)
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