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We Are Royalty [WAR] Luring Vid 1


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im a fat kid

i lolled irl @ the full drag kil :P


Disliked the 1 kid saying "Gf idiot" each time, pretty cocky lol. but yeah... not bad.


That was because the kid we lured was saying he knew it was a lure.

Also if you really don't like it flame I Rep Africa because I dont like him either :]


Luring vid = boring.

Wouldn't mind a caloboration of members PKing solo. Good name btw.


Was Alright got boring at times


well this wasn't a good lure vid tbh


that was dull :S

Ipk No Mercy

nice vid!

Mila Kunis

enjoyed to watch even though its sad

Elven Dremor

Decent, but when making a luring vid, try to lure someone with at least 3M+ risk :)


Decent, but when making a luring vid, try to lure someone with at least 3M+ risk :)

We almost got a voider, but 3 of our tbers all splashed and he ring of lifed :x

Hard to find someone risking alot around our level nowadays :s

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