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Careless boot


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Heres the story, 0 o0 o 0o0 my mate was fighting his mate ^^ they agreed to both risk 1-2m. After he won the dm he started looting and some guy popped up. He did try to kill him and succeeded. As a mather of fact a praying zerk runs up his screen and pjs him (Second pj). He was tired of the pjs.. Yes he knows he was wrong and he should of just let himself die => give the zerk who didnt do shit a free trick. IMO thats the lamest thing ever. He tellied to get rid of the pjing fails. Yes it was wrong.. But is it worth it to boot him for that? Put urself in his position... Maybe you shouldn't of done the same thing but you at least need to understand his descision.

He regrets it alot and he was very dedicated to foe :) foe was the reason he played rs so actively and you guys take it from him. Atleast think about the words that are said.

Peace, Tom.


WOW this makes him tight lol

I want to know what he was doing with a tele in his invy though O.O. That right there is against clan rules, whether or not he got pjed.

So getting pjed just made him use the tele, which shouldn't have been there IN THE FIRST PLACE!!!! His fault! Gf. Gone.

I support decision to boot him.


wat o.O im confused


For whatever reason, he teleported. you teleport, you get booted,no exceptions. he chose to make the mistake, and he took the punishment for it.

I've lost count the amount of times I've been pjed and died because I didn't tele. it's his own fault for even carrying it.


I Pk Mods I got booted for that why shouldn't he get booted?


He carried them because he was just planning to leave after the dm. But he couldnt. As posted above i said he knows its his mistake so therefor you shouldnt repeat it noobs. Hes sorry.


They both agreed to take tellys to show loot right after the kill. this wasnt supposed to be happening at all. Can heĀ  re-app? foe is where he belongs:)


So getting pjed just made him use the tele, which shouldn't have been there IN THE FIRST PLACE!!!! His fault! Gf. Gone.

This ^

I Pk Mods I got booted for that why shouldn't he get booted?

This ^ much, much, better members have been booted for tellying, this guy ain't any different.

They both agreed to take tellys to show loot right after the kill. this wasnt supposed to be happening at all. Can heĀ  re-app? foe is where he belongs:)

So he took tele's into the wild, yeah, he obviously didn't read Foe rules very well when he apped the first time. He can re-app if he wants, best to wait a while though.


u tele ur out regardless.


^ First of all i pk mods i isnt special nor any better then him. And i pk mods i wasnt dedicated to foe at all. Brenden is.. IMO he deserves a second chance, seeing as hes sorry and he cares.


^ First of all i pk mods i isnt special nor any better then him. And i pk mods i wasnt dedicated to foe at all. Brenden is.. IMO he deserves a second chance, seeing as hes sorry and he cares.

i pk mods i would fucking destroy him. he broke the rules, get voer it and stop trying to fight the fact.


^ Not sure if you know what english is but as i stated he's sorry. That means he knows he was wrong and therefor your post is spam. And lol. i pk mods i wouldnt destroy him ^^ hes a good friend of mine and he owns ;)


1- If he was truly committed, wouldn't he be asking himself, apologizing to leaders, etc?

2 - You just said your friend(who, I might add, none of us have ever heard of) is more dedicated that someone who was in FOE for years...?

3 - If he had read the FOE rules, he would know even carrying teles can constitute a boot, so if he was truly dedicated to FOE, he would be sure to follow the rules... right?


i pk mods i didnt care about all of it. Youre pretending to be his friend lol.. what do you know about him.. And brenden did apologise already. I just put this here to give you the real story. And yes he carried tabs. No one else was supposed to be around


i pk mods i didnt care about all of it. Youre pretending to be his friend lol.. what do you know about him.. And brenden did apologise already. I just put this here to give you the real story. And yes he carried tabs. No one else was supposed to be around

It doesn't matter if "no-one was around". You aren't supposed to carry teles at all. And why doesn't this "Brenden" make his own topic. I haven't been lurking applications for a while so never heard of him. And mods didn't rejoin because he had better stuff to do than scape... And I'm not "pretending to be his friend", I know more about mods than I do about your friend who I have never seen here before.


i pk mods i didnt care about all of it. Youre pretending to be his friend lol.. what do you know about him.. And brenden did apologise already. I just put this here to give you the real story. And yes he carried tabs. No one else was supposed to be around

It doesn't matter if "no-one was around". You aren't supposed to carry teles at all. And why doesn't this "Brenden" make his own topic. I haven't been lurking applications for a while so never heard of him. And mods didn't rejoin because he had better stuff to do than scape... And I'm not "pretending to be his friend", I know more about mods than I do about your friend who I have never seen here before.

I have heard of him before, He's a newfag, so you probably haven't seen him yet.

Just lock this shit, it isn't going too help anything your friend deserved the boot. end of.

AND basiclly what you're saying is, it's fine for foe members to teleport as long as there is no-one else there to see it? yeah, ok then.


maybe thats because your a forum guest and this is not ur case, bye.


maybe thats because your a forum guest and this is not ur case, bye.

lmfao?! You bring rank into this? You're nothing but a newfag here. don't think you're all high and mighty because you're an applicant. You're still fuck all on these forums kid. LOL.

mr d stroy

what he gets for capping on my mate that was giving him sw worlds. the nubs will get kicked then reapply two weeks later and be accepted. Then they will magically rank up quicker than others Ā :nice:

mr d stroy

maybe thats because your a forum guest and this is not ur case, bye.

Haduken isĀ  a higher rank in personality than you will ever be, hop off your friend's nutsack for a second pl0x.


maybe thats because your a forum guest and this is not ur case, bye.

Haduken isĀ  a higher rank in personality than you will ever be, hop off your friend's nutsack for a second pl0x.

Thanks. <3




double posted for 1,800th post count


I talked to him in foe channel earlier and he sounds like an idiot. In his version of the story he and his friend were risking 5m , and he teled. I then told him "So you brought a tele to a dm?" In the end of the story, he agreed to the rules of FOE which is no tele under any circumstances, Just RUN.

He seemed very far from sorry also because he was trying to make it sound like he had to , and he was trying to make it sound like he deserved a second chance more then everyone else. on top of that he implied that anyone would do the same in his position. I for one dont carry teles to fights, especially DM's for that matter, And im sure anybody else on theese forums who honour pk's would say the same.

I hope he does not have a second chance, he should have thought of the consequences beforehand.

mr d stroy

double posted for 1,800th post count

pro bro, i pulled off a triple post 2 days ago, no one noticedĀ  :wow:

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