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What the fuck should i do with this account? (short-term)  

47 members have voted

  1. 1. What the fuck should i do with this account? (short-term)

    • 40att 70str 1def 1pray 80range 82mage?
    • 50att 70str 1def 31pray 80range 82mage?
    • 60att 80str 1def 13pray 80range 82mage?
    • 10hp 82mage 82range 1def?
    • suicide?

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maul is the best spec weapon, trust me.

it's easy to neck/safe dds, and neck claws. but maul is unstoppable..


40 attacker with me man :)


dont start from scratch..


60 att and rename to "Wasabi IsPro"

how much u pay the chinks btw?


60att 80str 1def 13pray 80range 82mage?

of bot hem kapot!!!!!!:P


definatly 50 atk, im currently in the making of a new pure

getting it 50 atk 90 str 95 range 95 mage as a long term goal, with 13 pray

they are so fun


(08:34:50) <@Devlz> !name ibot75mining

(08:34:51) -[CI]RuneScript- *** [ NAME ]: Username ibot75mining is available.


i didn't bot lollll, i payed some Chinees kids to do it for me ( 13 dollars )

Okay; so people say: don't start from scratch

how the fuck can i not start from scratch lol... i do not own a good (non-bannable) bot :/ if anyone has some info on how to get one; Pm me.


(09:12:43) <@Devlz> !name ipay75mining

(09:12:44) -[CI]RuneScript- *** [ NAME ]: Username ipay75mining is available.


fak u robin xd


i'll stick my e-dick  DEEP into you're E-ass if you don't bot till at LEAST 30m cash.... you need to buy the MTA bot for more money tho... pm me ingame or in irc and i'll tell you wazzup..



i'll stick my e-dick   DEEP into you're E-ass if you don't bot till at LEAST 30m cash.... you need to buy the MTA bot for more money tho... pm me ingame or in irc and i'll tell you wazzup..


u better get on irc then :o


50att 13 prayer 80 mage 82 range

if you h8 the att / pray you can get it up but not back down


1-1-1 90 range 82 magic 1 pray


i didn't bot lollll, i payed some Chinees kids to do it for me ( 13 dollars )

Okay; so people say: don't start from scratch

how the fuck can i not start from scratch lol... i do not own a good (non-bannable) bot :/ if anyone has some info on how to get one; Pm me.

Garrett's Essence Miner

got 31-60+ mining and made like 7m in no time, running the bot 15/24 hours a day


cba getting banned


UHHH get 50 attk, but make sure you do it all with quests,

i did mm at lvl 30 with 33 hp and 16 prayer lmao :p

Posted Image


I'd say.. Stay 1 Attack, Defence, Strength and Prayer, make it into a fun account with 82 Magic/Ranged and 10 Constitution. Like, make it a skiller, you can easily do Smithing with Superheat. Anyway, goodluck on w/e you choose!

Its zeh noob

Hihihi 50 attack met 13 prayer :]]]]]]]]]


i siad the mauler cause it looks the most fun

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