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F this

Gareth l Rare

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Gareth l Rare

Really getting sick of this.

Go +1 i get 5-10 1itemers attack me before i can even find a fight (its like they all have me on radar or some crap)

go non +1 i get people telly or tag me

go city pking i get taged by tanks because they cant fight

go wildy and get tagged by teams/ they telly when i own them (which tbh makes it worth while dyeing because i piss myself with laughter)

I dont pk with tabs, never have but its slowly getting tempting thinking i have a "fuck this" option

Now if i go and have 5 fights, garentee ill only do one spec in all fights were i hit decently. Were as, the majority of the people i fight bang out 24/24's and 50's with d bolts (why i always carry antifire or anti shild but if i take off for book... bang)

 :unsure2: ive always had a hax on me when it comes to spec's

Like, is there sum hax bug or fudge now's to max specs or am i just most unlucky person ever.  :stink:

Just makes me think f it, just start over and be a no honor ko'r ..........


"you mad bro"   :mellow: <--- bovvered  :bored:


Pkin will always be this way :(!

Gareth l Rare

Pkin will always be this way :(!

Now it will. Wasnt like this back in the day.

Also inb4 change with the times, this i 2010 <-- well if i do that then ill be a s.w prod botter nh rusher ko'r who tabs and teams.

Tbh i ant guna lie so if i put in an app, id say i do ^ and obviously we all no that its real bait that i would never get in  (n)

Kinda takes the piss. Only way to justify the system is to join em but if i do then im not guna be foe   :sleep: no winning..


Go no honour. It's fun.


dw same thing happens to me in +1 worlds  :angry:

pk drags always fun fights even if they do end up teleing


nohonour are for fags you hate people being like that why would you become one yourself?? join foe


Hug pho necks if ur that bovered.


Ko them b4 they tele duh


kill them faster?


Pking has always been this way... welcome to runescape.


you need k0 ability


pking has its good and its bad days


i love you but, welcome to runescape :/

just gotta stick it out bro


Pkin will always be this way :(!

Now it will. Wasnt like this back in the day.

Also inb4 change with the times, this i 2010 <-- well if i do that then ill be a s.w prod botter nh rusher ko'r who tabs and teams.

Tbh i ant guna lie so if i put in an app, id say i do ^ and obviously we all no that its real bait that i would never get in  (n)

Kinda takes the piss. Only way to justify the system is to join em but if i do then im not guna be foe   :sleep: no winning..

Im 01, i remember the good old days :p


erm l2pk:S


welcome to runescape

  • 2 weeks later...
Fear my fez

no joke a few days ago i was a 1 item clan "target", there was this kid in edge in w65 spamming  a 1 item cc so i went in for jokes, they're all spamming "fear my fez".

Im pretty sure its in the begginning of one of my clips lol, ill try to find it (:

Besides that, its the amount of newfags joining the game and thinking they're cool


pking has its good and its bad days

Yea dont really expect it being good anymore.

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