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Range training?

iPk Nub

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So im 77 range currently and want to get to either 80 or 85 (along with str from 78 to 80-85) and im not sure where to do this. Ive already sw'ed WAY too much. im 67 constitution and 67 combat. Most pures my level have 75-80 hp. Please help me on where to train. Thankyou.

PS: Should i do sw still and just spend some zeal on hp to get 75? Shankyu.


Just slay, seriously, cash charms decent range/slay/hp xp

madly hybrid

slayer/ those lvl 144 in that fight cave thingy

im a fat kid

fire giants / ogres/ experiments. You chose.


aviansies or cannon drags ( if you still want low hp ) for range

bandits / experiemnts / rock crabs for strength



Pk Unit Mog

I trained at tzhaars, slayer is good too though.


stay sw its the fastest xp spend zeals on hp to




Chinning is the fastest way to train range; it costs alot though. I did chinning from 70-99range


SW till 85. Then do aviansies and spend like 25-50% of your profits on chins :)

Gareth l Rare

aviansies to 80/85

will be very very very very boring but worth it in the end.

1 trip = around 40+ exp and i got around 350 addy bars? You do math

exp for 85 "divide" by 40 x (example) 300 addy bars price = proffit

take profit and chin like a psycho and spend rest on zammy warriors = more money as well.

(youtube guide for all if you dont no how)


chin or ogres/fire giants.


Its so funny how many people ask where to train!

Hello we live in 2010 there is such thing as the '' internet ''           

Go to Runehq or tip.it?


Dont listen to cal, do tzhaar.

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