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Gareth l Rare

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Gareth l Rare

What is best

60 att 90 str 43pray full melee void ko'r
90 range hand cannon 44pray full range void ko

or work like a boss and do both? (but be honest because i don't see myself doing both lol)

Was tempted to call it rune pure's but would get flamed "not a pure"

I loged on to my very 1st account which i made back in 05/6, for the soul purpose to walk around and wack people with a rubber chicken for the fun or it.  :whistle: Nice life.
Were i found my account list in ignore (was a time you could write anything in ignore list)

So i found an OLD account i made in 06/7 ish and im thinking of making it into a rune pker "40deff"

Posted Image

Stats atm are noobish, but could make to;

41 att - 60
66 str - 90
40 deff
31pray - 43/5
- 85
+ 94 mage and 90+ range
Combat level 85 ish


(these max's are of basic pking set up and not fully max'd

Hits around 32's with d scimie
(no point get 70att since ss max is around 34) = same a me just geting 96str

Con though is im same level as a max'd whip pure ish = max of 36 or pure with 95str + AGS = max 57
^but thats only if im going to pk with claws in +1 which i doubt i will since i rather non protect worlds for that reason^

Are rune pker's still as effective today as they were back in the day or does termy make it a must.
(90str with rune gloves = same as 90str with barrows) + This is just a fun pking account so ima keep playing Rare.

void tribrid i tempting but would need claws so keeping away from that option since city/non +1 edgy pking.

What are your thoughts and dont just spam for +1  :sleep: but likely they will lol
I All Pr0 I

Go for it,not going to be easy tho.  ;)


Rune Pures/Zerkers are among the more fun accounts to pk on. For one you get great bonus: barrows gloves, zerker helm, defender, possibly turmoil, torso. Honestly if you are going to make a zerker don't be an idiot and neglect the barrows gloves. 40 def is pointless IMO. Quest a shit load and get all that out of the way and work on stats/cash afterward. If you are decent at hybridding you can bang out just about anyone close to your level if your city pking (especially pures). Gl and have fun.

Gareth l Rare


did the old school process back in 06-> 1deff -> 45deff -> 70 -> main

so i do have experience in berserkers but added it up. Getting barrows gloves + zerker = me 46deff

or 47 if i get hand cannon.

Load of possibilities but trying to think more of staying 40deff but all these ideas are juicy :shifty:


45 def plez


Fuck dem niggas its pure

More of a rune ranger looking at yo goals tho

Once effective always..

Why tribrid,imo stick to one style, if you fuckup once and your a tribrid your back to pc for a few days


Why tribrid,imo stick to one style, if you fuckup once and your a tribrid your back to pc for a few days


So stick to one style.

Gareth l Rare

Fuck dem niggas its pure

You sir made me lol hard  :D

Hmm maybe not tribrid but still, range/melee city pking would be fun :shifty: saves me time getting mage too lol + can tank it nicely with 40deff.

Could have this in 2/3months depending on me not getting evicted :lmao: lol

Well if anyone wants to post ideas or something constructive, go ahead since i got the answers i wanted+ asked around wildy.

Some noob accounts at lvl 84-88 :lol: bless


rune pures ftw tbh dude.

get and stay at 60att forver.

slee will teach you the way of the rune  pure ask him


noob stats tbh


Get turmoil.


Since oldschool kids have gotten smarter or it's just me. Pures have 99s at lower levels thanks to soulwars bots with all the proddy 10 year olds around here. I guess you could pull it off, i'm making a rune pure (yeah it's a pure) at the moment. Left it with 70 range 70 mage 90 str and it got hacked, might try to make it members again. Good luck


Nice, stay with it bro


Rune Pures/Zerkers are among the more fun accounts to pk on. For one you get great bonus: barrows gloves, zerker helm, defender, possibly turmoil, torso. Honestly if you are going to make a zerker don't be an idiot and neglect the barrows gloves. 40 def is pointless IMO. Quest a shit load and get all that out of the way and work on stats/cash afterward. If you are decent at hybridding you can bang out just about anyone close to your level if your city pking (especially pures). Gl and have fun.

He summed that up really nicely.


if you don't want to get those extra def levels, you could be a range tank (42 def + 99 range/veng at lvl 80-ish is really awesome, and you can use void if you want). Friend gave me one of those but it got hacked, was fun pking on it for a while though.


range tanks are boring as manas

Gareth l Rare

new question


new stats: 41 att 70 str 61hp 31pray 48range


ur choice, we are a pure clan not a main clan try hf

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