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Guest Emote|Muse

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Guest Emote|Muse

Please remember, if you're not clear on anything, GOOGLE YOU IDIOT.*
*Or YouTube

Some shit not to ask:

"What do I alch?"

"Where should I train x skill at??"
Combat(on a pure)
Auto soulwars, or rock crabs, for ranging do lathas ogres..but, this is 2010, just bot soulwars. If none of these tickle your retarded fancy, once again: Youtube or Google!

"What should I do with this account?"
Well, you are on a pure clan forum so answer these questions

A. Are you 1-20 defence on it?
B. Have you ever licked a window?

If you answered yes to question A, then make it a pure you idiot.
If you answered no, then think about what account YOU would enjoy playing on, decide if you have the attention span or the time to make such a build, then peruse it.

If you answered yes to question B..I don't know.

"I need a fire cape, who does them here?"
Ask around, people constantly change availability and stuff. DO NOT ask on forums, take it to IRC or elsewhere.

"Should I come back to the game, or no?"
Get members back and play a little bit and see if you like the game in its current state, jesus christ.

"x member NH'ed me. I don't have proof but take my word on it, guys!
If you don't have proof then don't bother taking ANY action. If you have legitimate proof, message a high ranking individual on the forums or IRC.
Proof you'll need:
God tier:
A video
Shit tier
A picture, or anything else. Don't even bother with these.

"How do I make money?"
Once again, youtube could solve your problem, but you're probably twelve and have youtube blocked for parental controls. Here's a tip from Rare that even the most stupid of people can do every day:
Rare's tip

Example of retarded topics
Exhibit A.
Exhibit B.

FOE-Forums: What NOT to post:

  • lolcats
  • Trading Bot auths, etc..
  • Real world trading stuff

"How do I Internet?"

If you need help using a certain program,

  • Replies 135
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  • affedaBug


  • Shut Up Kid


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Thx m8, but what is google?

Guest Emote|Muse

Thx m8, but what is google?

google it
Gareth l Rare

Keep all the lil kids and noobs happy  :wow: ill make more guides to for fill the needs of thi guide as i think of more


This is the best thing since sliced bread.

No more faggot applicants and forum guests asking stupid questions, WOOOOOO!  :victory:

Guest Emote|Muse

This is the best thing since sliced bread.

No more faggot applicants and forum guests asking stupid questions, WOOOOOO!  :victory:

If only I could ban the ones that go on the bank picture thread and post "will post my bank soon"...

Edit: Tell me if you feel I missed anything

ya im chase

wow now i wont get +1 from stupid topic :(

nvm just got 1  :lol:

Guest Emote|Muse

wow now i wont get +1 from stupid topic :(

You still have OT for that.

Epic topic, Gj man!


very much needed topic.

unfortuneatly i doubt the retards who posts these topics would read this one first :(


its about damn time. gj awemni. <3

Creamie pies

free pc


gud topic


About time we got a topic like this, lol


Doubt if the morons ever pay attention to sticky threads, but besides that, great topic :nice:


Thx m8, but what is google?

Shut Up Kid

now retards who can't read are going to make stupid questions on here.

Guest Emote|Muse

Doubt if the morons ever pay attention to sticky threads, but besides that, great topic :nice:

Eh, maybe a few will, and if so, I've done my job!



very good topic, i think you spended alot of time for it, but u should of post it in general chat because those newbs quests always asks things like what to do!. in member board there just a few..


ooh it is in general chat..

i am officially a retard now.

Guest Emote|Muse

very good topic, i think you spended alot of time for it, but u should of post it in general chat because those newbs quests always asks things like what to do!. in member board there just a few..


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