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''Everybody Draw Mohammed Day''


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Hi guys,

The ''Everybody Draw Mohammed Day'' event started by a Facebook user. There are currently over 80,000 people who are participating in this event through Facebook. The ''Everybody Draw Mohammed Day'' is today thursday 20th of May.

I just want to know what you guys think of this, is it appropriate?. I am a muslim and to me it's unappropriate and I dont understand why people are doing this. They are just creating more hatred and violence around the world which doesnt resolve anything.

Discuss what do you think of the ''Everybody Draw Mohammed Day''.



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Il do it 8D

Every other god is depicted in many ways and yet Mohammed isnt and you hear of extremists threating terrorist attacks if Mohammed is given an image.. fuck it im giving him a beard and some shades.

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No perhaps its not appropriate for a lot of people but single minded idiots don't always think about others.

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People take religion wayyy to seriously... Some smo made a book up a while ago and now everyone is killin other people over it and getting pissed off because there drawing an a-rab. dumbest shit ever.. if i had epic drawing skills i would definitely do it.

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If somebody is not religious, they are not going to give a fuck if it is innappropriate, i for one am an atheist and nihilistic, so i may just participate in this little event.

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I drew one. You can't bully someone by saying 'Draw him and we'll kill you', its stupid.

& yes I know, extremists & moderates are different but the concept still stands, I'm fine with people worthshipping whoever, you could pray to Spyro the Dragon and sacrifice kittens, but when I get told 'WE believe this, should YOU can't draw that' it pisses me off.

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^Sums it up for me as well. You can believe what ever you want to, but when you start trying to force ME to avoid doing certain things because YOUR religion forbids it I get fuckin pissed.

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They're the ones that start all of the shit.

I need an idea guys. Im thinking about having him pointing a gun/sword at one of those guys in amusement parks that draw cartoon versions of people. "You draw me and I keel you"

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Drawing him is ok. Making him do dumb stuff like killing babies is not cool, and the muslim will not like that at all. No humor ftl.

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Honestly I do not see the problem in creating and drawing one's interpertation of something. That's called expressing creativity, and honestly creativity is a major component to healthy human beings and individuals. People always draw the Catholic/Christian God at this huuge white guy that looks like Gandalf, yet you don't see anybody complaining about that one.

I just don't see why one's creativity is limited because it is considered "taboo" to personalize and think of their interpertation of somebody or something.

That's all, if it makes sense to ya's.

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Every person on the planet takes everythin way too seriously, people always gotta moan about shit just so they get a name check because everyone else couldnt be bothered to moan on that day, people need 2 shut the fuck up and get a sense of humour, seriously

P.s my writing is shit, hopefully u understand my point lol

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i see absolutely no problem with this... infact, if i cared enough i would love to participate

if people start complaining on that facebook page, link them to something like this


anti jew group by muslims... they've got close to 160,000 people and 99% of the posts are anti jew related posts. (most are in arabic, couple of them are in english)

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People are just getting sick of muslims who can't take a joke, so they send all their hatred back at once pretty violently.

And most people don't care about drawing your prophet, they just want to annoy you.

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Honestly its fine.  Muslims cannot control what people from other religions do, that's why there are different religions because we believe different things.  Muslims cross the line when they start killing people who don't believe what they believe (Not all muslims, just the extremists obv, in any religion for that matter).  So this is acceptable, if your muslim, don't look at it, don't participate, but don't start killing the people who do.

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Honestly its fine.  Muslims cannot control what people from other religions do, that's why there are different religions because we believe different things.  Muslims cross the line when they start killing people who don't believe what they believe (Not all muslims, just the extremists obv, in any religion for that matter).  So this is acceptable, if your muslim, don't look at it, don't participate, but don't start killing the people who do.

the 911 incident fucked over the REAL muslims. These terrorists, kill muslims, and bomb mosques, they aren't real Muslims.


"The Punjabi Taliban have claimed responsibility for a number of high-profile attacks in the province in since 2008, including a suicide bombing in March that killed 45 people in Lahore."

"Ahmadis Aren't Muslims, According to the Law

Members of the Ahmadi sect were officially declared non-Muslims in 1974 and are the generally the most persecuted of Pakistan's minority groups"

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