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Americans, so dam stupid.


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I couldn't watch the part where the morons were trying to have a political conversation with the prime minister of Australia.

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I couldn't watch the part where the morons were trying to have a political conversation with the prime minister of Australia.

pretty sure that WASN'T the REAL prime minister

but nice try...

this sirs is the REAL JOHN HOWARD ex prime minister..

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I couldn't watch the part where the morons were trying to have a political conversation with the prime minister of Australia.

pretty sure that WASN'T the REAL prime minister

but nice try...

this sirs is the REAL JOHN HOWARD ex prime minister..

LOL AND THE IGNORANCE KEEPS ROLLING IN!!, roflll and the part with the map... jesus christ put "France" on australia on a Map and a stupid american will think it's what it says. I face palmed..soooo bad, and the black lady trying to say she saw the fake dude on t.v, jesus christ rofl I'm from Australia so this was funny as hell.

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I couldn't watch the part where the morons were trying to have a political conversation with the prime minister of Australia.

pretty sure that WASN'T the REAL prime minister

but nice try...

this sirs is the REAL JOHN HOWARD ex prime minister..

LOL AND THE IGNORANCE KEEPS ROLLING IN!!, roflll and the part with the map... jesus christ put "France" on australia on a Map and a stupid american will think it's what it says. I face palmed..soooo bad, and the black lady trying to say she saw the fake dude on t.v, jesus christ rofl I'm from Australia so this was funny as hell.

but you have to think about it from a realist point of view, no matter what country you go to there will always be ignorant mal-informed dumb-asses, America just seems to be the breeding ground for them.. i mean SHIT look at EVERYONE freaking out about Arizona at the moment, "its racial profiling" NO, TRY READING THE BILL INSTEAD OF LISTENING TO MSNBC YOU FUCK-TARDS..

to sum up what i'm saying, stupidity is everywhere, i honestly believe people should take IQ test before they're allowed to procreate..  

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mr d stroy

title: "ignorant americans" ignorant of what lol? Other shit countries and their religion that means nothing. OK  :nice:

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title: "ignorant americans" ignorant of what lol? Other shit countries and their religion that means nothing. OK  :nice:

Prime example of ignorance right there, you're saying every single country means nothing, what a fucking moron.
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title: "ignorant americans" ignorant of what lol? Other shit countries and their religion that means nothing. OK  :nice:

Prime example of ignorance right there, you're saying every single country means nothing, what a fucking moron.

sometimes an ignorant post is not even worth replying to

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mr d stroy

title: "ignorant americans" ignorant of what lol? Other shit countries and their religion that means nothing. OK  :nice:

Prime example of ignorance right there, you're saying every single country means nothing, what a fucking moron.

sometimes an ignorant post is not even worth replying to

like urs and pur3  :nice:

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mr d stroy

title: "ignorant americans" ignorant of what lol? Other shit countries and their religion that means nothing. OK  :nice:

Prime example of ignorance right there, you're saying every single country means nothing, what a fucking moron.

yeah can't remember how many times i needed to know shit about where france or any country is, or what a religion hes to deal with that i don't believe in. According to your logic you don't know my birthday so your a fucking ignorant moron. kthxbye

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lol not getting too extensive in this conversation, but i believe people everywhere are fucking morons. for the most part at least

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Mr d stroy theres a  huge difference between not knowing something about 1 idiot and about 5 bil ppl. Moron go cultivate your ignorance. Usa is not the only country on earth.

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Spittles (Old School)

We're all not that dumb, they asked the most oldest red neck people who are uneducated lol. "How many sides does a triangle have" "Uhh shit, 4?"

I can say aussies and brits have their fair share of tards also.

OR let me rephrase that, every single race has their fair share of uneducated people.


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title: "ignorant americans" ignorant of what lol? Other shit countries and their religion that means nothing. OK  :nice:

Prime example of ignorance right there, you're saying every single country means nothing, what a fucking moron.

yeah can't remember how many times i needed to know shit about where france or any country is, or what a religion hes to deal with that i don't believe in. According to your logic you don't know my birthday so your a fucking ignorant moron. kthxbye

Nightmare for anyone who was trying to defend USA haha...

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Next In Line

Wow there are some seriously stupid fucking people in the US...How are people so fucking retarded omfg it pisses me off.

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title: "ignorant americans" ignorant of what lol? Other shit countries and their religion that means nothing. OK  :nice:

Prime example of ignorance right there, you're saying every single country means nothing, what a fucking moron.

yeah can't remember how many times i needed to know shit about where france or any country is, or what a religion hes to deal with that i don't believe in. According to your logic you don't know my birthday so your a fucking ignorant moron. kthxbye

Not a-fucking-tall this is the WORLD we're talking about, America isn't your limit, you may want to move to another country someday, or have work over seas, but then, judging by how you're acting it seems like you're a white trash redneck who will never leave the bayou. You only caring about your own country is extremely reclusive, you don't want to know the world you just want to sit alone with your little American friends. I also love how you're comparing your birthday to the whole world, like you're that important, let's face it, nobody gives a flying fuck about your birthday other than yourself, but everybody cares about the world... everybody, although i guess not morons like you.. And also you don't have to give a fuck about religion, nobody's talking about religion, you don't have to know about religion to know about the world. You are a huge fucking moron, good job prooving this videos point completely, good day to you.
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I couldn't watch the part where the morons were trying to have a political conversation with the prime minister of Australia.

pretty sure that WASN'T the REAL prime minister

but nice try...

this sirs is the REAL JOHN HOWARD ex prime minister..

LOL AND THE IGNORANCE KEEPS ROLLING IN!!, roflll and the part with the map... jesus christ put "France" on australia on a Map and a stupid american will think it's what it says. I face palmed..soooo bad, and the black lady trying to say she saw the fake dude on t.v, jesus christ rofl I'm from Australia so this was funny as hell.

Just so you two know, I knew that wasn't the real prime minister....

I guess I'll put quotation marks around it next time

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Ffs i have to defend the US. You can make anyone look stupid if you're the one editing the video. If those guys had wanted to make Americans look like geniuses they could have. They just picked the absolute worst clips they got instead of the best. The same could be done with any other country in the world.

The people in this vid were downers though

This video made me laugh at how dumb they were, but i dont live in america and I agree :P

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mr d stroy

Mr d stroy theres a  huge difference between not knowing something about 1 idiot and about 5 bil ppl. Moron go cultivate your ignorance. Usa is not the only country on earth.

It's not being ignorant if its something no one gives a shit about. It doesn't influence their life in any way. According to your logic everyone is ignorant, so according to your post your a hypocrite. kthxbye  :nice:

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I am sure I can go to your country and find the dumbest people in your country and make a video like this.

Thank you.

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I am sure I can go to your country and find the dumbest people in your country and make a video like this.

Thank you.

I completely agree.. They were all just dumb people...

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