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Meetuatlumb PK Video Two


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Got kinda bored watching the same combo. But otherwise nice video.

x itsonme x

was better then ur first i didnt like the pray drops when u were chasing and godswording without switching to melee prayers i thought u would be able to that especially with the use of quick prayers its easy

the clips could of been shortened or sped up and dont show how many times it took to kill someone especially when hes like a lvl 90 idiot who never pked lol

all in all good vid tho


Enjoyed it mate, loot wasnt too good tho, but atleast u threw in some dance tunes rather than it being all rock etc.

Also lol at miasmic barrage, seams to hit high everytime you use it.


Nice vid.

Loved the part where you killed a skulled nub in full dharoks and got a combat brace as loot. Awesome.



Before even watching, you put ADTR in it. Good job! Lol.

1 minute into the video, and you're a good pk'er. Nice switches, nice music, nice combos, and loot.


Only 1 problem, AGS got a bit old.

@ 6:05 you should be embarrassed term0ntaker said that, lmfao.

And you rely on AGS for k0s 100%


Loved it man, Hybriding with Ags = Auto 5/5 for me. :unsure2:

Pj Pur3 Lt2

Just loved it... very nice vid 5/5 :wub:


I can't believe you kept losing prayer with your AGS!

Good vid 8/10


Second song made me close the entire video, sorry.


loved it tbh, i dont know wh everyone has to be fags about different combos n shit, if they dont like it they can GTFO, ADTR <3 :victory:

Kid x goku x

6:05 made me lol.

But, great first clip; Shows perfectly how to kill a runner.

Miasmic was used perfectly, and you always hit high with it :P



Your prayers drop way to much and you showed a clip twice

Also you should try working a bit on your prayer switches

I saw some delays in weapon switching as well but very nice vid kept me entertained :nice:



Very nice, very entertaining..

Kinda bad quality.

summ0ned b0w

any reason for the pink MM hats? O.o other than that, u own mate


any reason for the pink MM hats? O.o other than that, u own mate

Please somebody, correct me if I'm wrong, but he is ... MM...


Y4nk33 D33s

pretty nice vid

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