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Sorry, I overreacted.


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1. Don't troll this

2. If you don't know, don't ask, I was being fucking retarded.

Ok. I overreacted. Had some rl shit going on combined with some douchebags during the week and when leet decided to be an asshole and abuse his access, it set me off. I was about to completely fuck everything up that I worked hard for. So sorry to the people who were dissapointed in my path after that. I'm currently undoing it and let's not talk about this again. Like I said, I was fucking retarded. especially sorry to those who refd me. Forgive my dumbassness.(if that's a word)

Ok... Leet feel's like he should unlock this topic and only post his side of the story...

Really. Please tell us what we did.

(18:25:08) <@[Foe]Chad> austin ping me again

(18:25:16) <@[Foe]Chad> ill beat your ass

(18:25:18) <@[Foe]Austin|HaVoX> :)

(18:25:23) -> [[Foe]Chad] PING

(18:25:24) [[Foe]Chad PING reply]: 546ms

(18:25:29) <@[Foe]Austin|HaVoX> Oops

(18:25:35) * [Foe]Chad set mode: +b *!*@Swift-187FA5BE.hsd1.tn.comcast.net

(18:25:40) <@[Foe]Austin|HaVoX> Ouch

(18:25:42) <@[FOE]Madly_Hybrid> why ban?

(18:25:42) <@[Foe]Chad> Austin do your parents love you

(18:25:48) <@[Foe]Austin|HaVoX> Yes

(18:25:53) <+Demolish> His mother loves me.

(18:25:53) <@[Foe]Austin|HaVoX> And your mom loves me too

(18:26:02) <@_Robyn_> BURNNNNNNNN

(18:26:07) * [Foe]Austin|HaVoX set mode: -b *!*@Swift-187FA5BE.hsd1.tn.comcast.net

(18:26:09) <@[Foe]Chad> cool story bro

(18:26:09) <@[Foe]Chad> .

(18:26:16) <@_Robyn_> oh

(18:26:17) <@_Robyn_> sorry

(18:26:21) <@_Robyn_> just wanted to see what it was

(18:27:10) <@[Foe]Chad> L0L

(18:27:10) * Leet set mode: -I+bb [Foe]Chad!*@* [Foe]Chad!*@* *!*@Swift-?F?????B.dynamic.ip.windstream.net

(18:27:12) <@[Foe]Chad> spam

(18:27:17) <@Leet> .add [Foe]Chad 3

(18:27:18) * [Foe]Austin|HaVoX set mode: +e Austin|HaVoX|!*@*

(18:27:20) <@Leet> !k [Foe]Chad

(18:27:21) * [Foe]Chad was kicked by BanHammer (Requested)

(18:27:27) <+Demolish> LOL

(18:27:29) <+Demolish> Gf

(18:27:30) <@Leet> -e [Foe]Austin|HaVoX

(18:27:32) * [Foe]Austin|HaVoX set mode: +e [Foe]Austin|HaVoX!*@*

(18:27:40) * Leet set mode: -e [Foe]Austin|HaVoX!*@*

(18:27:40) <@Leet> -e [Foe]Austin|HaVoX

(18:27:46) <@[Foe]Austin|HaVoX> leet...

(18:27:49) <@Leet> -a Austin|HaVoX

(18:27:53) <@Leet> -e Austin|HaVoX

(18:27:58) <@Leet> i shouldnt type

(18:28:00) <@Leet> in the dark

(18:28:20) * [Foe]Austin|HaVoX set mode: +e [Foe]Austin|HaVoX!*@*

(18:28:28) * Leet set mode: -e+bb [Foe]Austin|HaVoX!*@* [Foe]Austin|HaVoX!*@* *!*@Swift-???FA?BE.hsd?.tn.comcast.net

(18:28:33) <@Leet> .add [Foe]Austin|HaVoX 3

(18:28:36) <@[Foe]Austin|HaVoX> Seriously leet

(18:28:39) <@Leet> !k [Foe]Austin|HaVoX

(18:28:39) * You were kicked from #brap by BanHammer (Requested)


(09:59:25) <@Leet> change ur nick to w/o foe tag a sec

(09:59:48) <+[Foe]Austin|HaVoX> Leet, fuck off, I really dont want to type a word to you anymore

(09:59:53) <@Leet> ok cya

(09:59:55) * Leet set mode: +bb [Foe]Austin|HaVoX!*@* *!*@Swift-???FA?BE.hsd?.tn.comcast.net

(09:59:55) * You were kicked from #brap by Leet (Reason: Requested) (Count: 371)


The two people need to solve it with yourselves and let us know if it was solved.


[sat] [23:29:21] <[Foe]Austin|HaVoX> Seriously?

[sat] [23:29:54] <[Foe]Austin|HaVoX> Wtf

[sat] [23:30:04] <[Foe]Austin|HaVoX> What the hell did I do?

[sat] [23:31:38] <[Foe]Austin|HaVoX> You abuse your access every fucking chance you get

[sat] [23:31:41] <[Foe]Austin|HaVoX> What

[sat] [23:31:42] <[Foe]Austin|HaVoX> Did

[sat] [23:31:44] <[Foe]Austin|HaVoX> I

[sat] [23:31:45] <[Foe]Austin|HaVoX> Do?

[sat] [23:33:07] <[Foe]Austin|HaVoX> asdflh'

[sat] [23:33:07] <[Foe]Austin|HaVoX> alfh'

[sat] [23:33:07] <[Foe]Austin|HaVoX> hfl'

[sat] [23:33:07] <[Foe]Austin|HaVoX> l'

[sat] [23:33:08] <[Foe]Austin|HaVoX> fl'

[sat] [23:33:08] <[Foe]Austin|HaVoX> dfl'

[sat] [23:33:08] <[Foe]Austin|HaVoX> dfhdfhl'

[sat] [23:33:08] <[Foe]Austin|HaVoX> l

[sat] [23:33:08] <[Foe]Austin|HaVoX> fl

[sat] [23:33:08] <[Foe]Austin|HaVoX> fhl'

[sat] [23:33:09] <[Foe]Austin|HaVoX> dfhl'

[sat] [23:33:09] <[Foe]Austin|HaVoX> dfhl'

[sat] [23:33:09] <[Foe]Austin|HaVoX> hf'

[sat] [23:33:10] <[Foe]Austin|HaVoX> hl'

[sat] [23:33:11] <[Foe]Austin|HaVoX> dfll

[sat] [23:33:13] <[Foe]Austin|HaVoX> 'dfhl'

[sat] [23:33:13] <[Foe]Austin|HaVoX> hl'

[sat] [23:33:14] <[Foe]Austin|HaVoX> al'

[sat] [23:33:15] <[Foe]Austin|HaVoX> lhf'

[sat] [23:33:16] <[Foe]Austin|HaVoX> fl

[sat] [23:33:17] <[Foe]Austin|HaVoX> l

[sat] [23:33:18] <[Foe]Austin|HaVoX> dal'

[sat] [23:33:19] <[Foe]Austin|HaVoX> hl'

[sat] [23:33:20] <[Foe]Austin|HaVoX> adfl'

[sat] [23:33:21] <[Foe]Austin|HaVoX> hl'

[sat] [23:33:22] <[Foe]Austin|HaVoX> dfhl'

[sat] [23:33:25] <[Foe]Austin|HaVoX> '

[sat] [23:33:26] <[Foe]Austin|HaVoX> Leet

[sat] [23:33:27] <[Foe]Austin|HaVoX> Leet

[sat] [23:33:28] <[Foe]Austin|HaVoX> Leet

[sat] [23:33:29] <[Foe]Austin|HaVoX> Leet

[sat] [23:33:30] <[Foe]Austin|HaVoX> Leet

[sat] [23:33:31] <[Foe]Austin|HaVoX> Leet

[sat] [23:33:32] <[Foe]Austin|HaVoX> Leet

[sat] [23:33:33] <[Foe]Austin|HaVoX> Leet

[sat] [23:33:34] <[Foe]Austin|HaVoX> Leet

[sat] [23:33:35] <[Foe]Austin|HaVoX> Leet

[sat] [23:33:36] <[Foe]Austin|HaVoX> Leet

[sat] [23:33:37] <[Foe]Austin|HaVoX> Leet

[sat] [23:33:38] <[Foe]Austin|HaVoX> Leet

[sat] [23:33:39] <[Foe]Austin|HaVoX> Leet

[sat] [23:33:40] <[Foe]Austin|HaVoX> Leet

[sat] [23:33:41] <[Foe]Austin|HaVoX> Leet

[sat] [23:33:42] <[Foe]Austin|HaVoX> Leet

[sat] [23:33:43] <[Foe]Austin|HaVoX> Leet

[sat] [23:33:44] <[Foe]Austin|HaVoX> Leet

[sat] [23:33:44] -> Server: silence +[Foe]Austin|HaVoX


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