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jagexs' new gfx update is SHITE.

Glory, rfd gloves, claws, pots, sharks/monks look SHIT.


jagexs' new gfx update is SHITE.

Glory, rfd gloves, claws, pots, sharks/monks look SHIT.

Bring back old d scimmy :(


jagexs' new gfx update is SHITE.

Glory, rfd gloves, claws, pots, sharks/monks look SHIT.

Bring back old d scimmy :(

Agreed. I <3 the old one.


haven't seen them

what's the point?


I know, what the fuck.


New thiev emote is shit, you drop coins when thieving what ... a bag of money?

Fact 1: A skilled thiever doesn't drop coins when thieving, then he would get busted.

Fact 2: It's not that hard to lift a bag of money.

Twirl emote seems cool though, now i can fishslap people.


Doesn't seem too bad..


Someone post a pic please , to lazy to get on rs :/


Someone post a pic please , to lazy to get on rs :/

of emoteso r what?


who cares, pixels stay pixels


same with all graphic updates

Pk Unit Mog

It's only in your invent it looks different still look the same when you wear them, there's no problem with that...


It's only in your invent it looks different still look the same when you wear them, there's no problem with that...

I liked the way my claws/gloves/glory etc looked in my inventory.

Spittles (Old School)

It hurts my eyes looking at them, the fuck was the point of that? Looks shittier.

Gareth l Rare

Rant section?

Yes its a useless update and graphics got worse but;

Jagex, making shit updates since 2006


About time firemaking and theiving got an upgrade...FUCK


LMFAOOOOO. this is funny as shit, can we really not expect shit updates anymore?


why does everyone complain about every goddamn update, only update u had the right to complain about was 10th december 2007 and when bh was taken out.

edit: and d scim/monk robes

Creamie pies

Old scimmy or grafix suck.


as long as the stats stay the same. I don't care what they look like tbh. :/


i still dont like the way we hold scimmys... looks retared... should be more laid back... more... samari-ish

off to the side low to the waist.

Posted Image

Next In Line

Why do they constantly fix something that isn't broken?


Not logged in RS for aweek, if i login and they're really bad.. Ima just log straight back out.


OLD MONK ROBES WERE LEGEND TBH. old school was so much better then this crap rs these days -.- every update is worser then the update before..

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