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Obsidian Tanker Vs DDS Pure?


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[glow=white,2,300]▬Do NOT base your decision on favoritism. (meaning don't choose DDs pure because you hate defence.)

▬ Fighters will be using All Super Pots (except for tank, who will not be using super defence.), and the best prayer they have.

▬ Please Base your Choice on The information I posted below.

▬ Also There has been a Slight Change to what potions the Tanker gets... He will now be deprived of his super defence potting abilities. I did this do make it more fair tot he DDS Pure since he only has 60 attack, and can not easily hit through torags.

!Attention!: There Has Been A Change To The Uses Of Mage... The Pure Can now use ice Burst. (If you really don't like that, then convince me again.) VOTES HAVE BEEN RESET.

Thank You![/glow]


Max With Obby Maul = 50

Max with Slayer staff = 31

Obsidian Tanker STATS: 1 Attk/99 strength/70 def/ 99 hp/43 prayer/ 70 range&mage

GEAR:Full torag (no hamms), dragon boots ,slayer staff, Obsidian maul, Berserker necklace,

Addy Rfd Gloves, Fire cape, Berserker Ring,

[glow=Blue,2,300]For your consideration[/glow]


[glow=red,2,300]With ObbyMaul[/glow]


[glow=red,2,300]With Slayer staff & Obsidian Sheild[/glow]


[glow=red,2,300]With Rune Knives[/glow]



Max Hit With Dragon Scimitar = 37

Max Hit With Dragon Dagger Special = 36 - 36

Max Hit With Magic Bow = 25

Max Hit With Ice Burst = 22

DDS Pure STATS:60 Attk/99 strength/1 Def/ 99 hp/ 52 prayer/99 Range& Mage

GEAR: Zammy Mitre, Amulet of Fury, Ghostly Robe Top/bottoms, Black D' Chaps, Climbing Boots/wizard, RFD Mith Gloves, Berserker Ring, Fire Cape, Dragon Scimitar, DRAGON CLAWS, Unholy Book(ZAmmy), Mage short/rune c'bow (w/ dragon bolts)

[glow=blue,2,300]For your consideration[/glow]


[glow=red,2,300]With Dragon Scimitar[/glow]


[glow=red,2,300]With DDS[/glow]


[glow=red,2,300]Magic ShortBow[/glow]


Edited by TJ
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That's way too obvious lol, the tanker would win anyday.  :whistle:


That's way too obvious lol, the tanker would win anyday.  :whistle:

Seems a bit unfair that the pure cannot use his 99 mage and the tanker has no restrictions. If the tanker had a major restriction like the pure does, i'm sure the pure would win. Tanker would win without mage, pure would win with mage easily.

Both of the fighters have the same restrictions... care to elaborate on your comment for me? (maybe i can fix something.)  :nice:


Both of the fighters have the same restrictions... care to elaborate on your comment for me? (maybe i can fix something.)  :nice:

The tanker can obviously not do near as much damage as the pure can with mage. Which is an advantage to him, and a major disadvantage to the pure, as it's the best way to kill someone in full torags and melee gear.

the tanker would get ripped by d bolts and barrage. also if the pure had any sort of def 5,10,20 the 1 attack would not hit on it. and btw theres no way your going to talk a pure in not barraging your torags.


Hmmm... i see... what if i gave the pure some d bolts?


Hmmm... i see... what if i gave the pure some d bolts?

It'd be closer but still, if i was that pure, I'd be barraging. There's no way your talking me out of not barraging full torags. Your not restricting anything useful to the tank and your restricting the most useful thing on the pure.

the tanker would get ripped by d bolts and barrage. also if the pure had any sort of def 5,10,20 the 1 attack would not hit on it. and btw theres no way your going to talk a pure in not barraging your torags.

Even if the pure had 20 defense, the tank would still hit.

The pure would probably win if he prayed the whole fight.


[glow=red,2,300]HMM... okay ill change a few things...[/glow]


1 attack cant hit any def. i used to have a obby mauler


1 attack cant hit any def. i used to have a obby mauler

It's still going to hit but not as much. & did you have 99 strength on your mauler, with all those bonuses?

Btw if the tanker is 70 mage... It could wear ahrims or range armour to help on mage defense? Or some mage armour parts?...

It's like Kids Ranqe vs Elvemage, xD


no ones posting =o


Anybody who thinks 60 attack hits on Rune armor is crazy. And for it to hit on TORAGS, it'd never hit.

The only hope on the pure winning is 2 lucky 40+ d bolt specs.


hmmm i get what your saying... what if i took super defence away from mauler...

Then that would give the pure a bit more of a chance, because he/ she can super attack past 70 attack, and use an attack bonus prayer.

Thanks for your input.


strength dosnt affect how often you hit, and the only way that the obby mauler would be able to ko 99 hp is if he hit like 4 50s in a row. maul is really slow and you can eat like twice before the maul hits again. and tahts without combo foods.

1 attack cant hit any def. i used to have a obby mauler

It's still going to hit but not as much. & did you have 99 strength on your mauler, with all those bonuses?

strength dosnt affect how often you hit, and the only way that the obby mauler would be able to ko 99 hp is if he hit like 4 50s in a row. maul is really slow and you can eat like twice before the maul hits again. and tahts without combo foods.

I would strongly have to disagree with you on your point... I happen to be a obby tanker, and When i go out and pk i usually use rune knives/Obby maul, and i can hit almost right after a knife strike so you false. Also not to mention that at 70 range you can hit what... like 12-13HP each hit? And furthermore the other person has NO idea what you max is... so they never know when to eat. (Opponent Will probably underestimate you strength due to the high DEF.)


How'd you get a fire cape with 31 pray?  :p


This is a fictional player, but ill just make it 43 prayer.

Good looking out, thanks. :)


its a pretty crazzzy extreme, but I reckon the tanker would be able to hit the pure easily.

Crue Nation

Put addy gloves on the pure and I'm sure the obby mauler can do Nature Spirit for rune.





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