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Copy and paste

on Microsoft Word Processor

12 font

double spaced

and tell me how long it is please.

I need 3 pages.

Well, it's 1:50.. you know how it is.

I was out with my niggas today and didnt have time to work

on my project. I did, but I didn't feel like it.

Anyways, I'm upstairs on my labtop in my room but I do not have Microsoft World Processor.

My desktop does downstairs and I have been trying to finish my essay.

I need to make 3-5 page essay (obv. I'll do 3)

double spaces, 12 font.

So can someone with Word Processor please copy and paste it

with the set 12 font and double spaced and tell me if it comes to 3 pages

or if its close or whatever that way I can just copy and paste it from here

in the morning onto the desktop I have downstairs with MWP and print it

in the morning and don't waste time having to finish it.


         Cuba, better known as the Republic of Cuba is a communist state. Fidel Castro is the Chief of State who is a communist leader. Cuba's National Flower is known as the Butterfly Jasmine which has a representation meaning purity, rebelliousness and independence. Their National Bird would be the Cuban Trogon, or better knwon as the Tocororo. Like the colors of the Cuban flag, the birds colorful red, white, and blue colors match the flag's colors. Lastly, the Nation's tree is the Royal Palm which is a strong and powerful tree able to withstand powerful winds from hurricans resembling the island's people. The Flag of Cuba was designed by relious people that mainly wanted independence from spain in the mid 1850's. The white stripes on the flag are a resemblence of freedom and the three blue strips are known for the divisions of the Island at the time. The triangle is just known for freedom and equality. Since independence was a big thing for Cuba, the red respresents the the fight they put up to achieve their independence and the blood left behind. The star within the flag stands for the absolute freedom of the people. Cuba is a tropical island that extends roughly 750 miles and is about the size of Pennsylvania. Cuba happens to contain a beautiful diversity of plants and land structures such as the 200 bays it has and 289 beaches there are. Main mountain ranges such as the Sierra Maestra to the East of Cuba and on the west are the Cordillera de los Organos on the West side of Cuba are part of the nation's land structures along with the Sierra del Escambray in the central region. With all these mountain ranges, Cuba only has a total area of 110,860 sq km and a population of eleven million people. Havana being the capital city of Cuba consists of 20% of the island's population being 2.2 million people. Cuba has a huge diversity in cultures with 50% Spanish descent, 22% mixed-race, 11% African descent, and 1% Chinese. The two main languages in Cuba are known as Spanish and Castilian which are the most spoken languages. A little less than half of the people are Catholic being 47% are Catholic, 4% Protestant, 2% Santería, however many of Catholics also practice Santería.

       Cuban Missile Crisis, which occurred during the Cold War in October of 1962. On October 8, 1962 is when the tensions between the nations were at their peak. The Cuban Missile Crisis was between the United States, Soviet Union, and Cuba. With the Soviet Union being a communist nation, the United States feared communism was going to spread throughout the world and eventually take over everyone who wasn't sooner or later if it didn't come to a stop. In February 1962 before the crisis began, an economic embargo was applied towards Cuba in effort to make them open up to the world. With all these efforts to change the government of Cuba mainly held by President John F. Kennedy, they all failed. On September of 1962, the government of Cuba saw conclusive evidence of an invasion of Cuba being planned which led them to build a missile base which was the closest the world has ever seen to all out nuclear war. Two weeks later on October 28, 2009, the Presidents of each nation came to an agreement to dismantle all missiles in Cuba in exchange of the United States agreeing to the fact they would no longer plan an invasion on Cuba and dismantle their missiles from Turkey. However, the request was ignored and was never pressed by the Soviet Union and continued to stay there in case of another emergency thus like the Cuban Missile Crisis.

       With Cuba's GNP per capita of $1,600, they are ranked the 69th from having the highest GNP per capita. Cuba has an inflation of 7.1% and an unemployment rate being only 6%. Being part of a communist nation would be very difficult to be unemployed with the way they operate so it is now surprise for it being so low. Nickel and cigars are widely known for being exported from Cuba due to their production of the items and the excess amount they have. With the embargo the United States has on Cuba, they continue to struggle but will not let go even with a shortage of many goods and the collapse of the sugar industry. Cuba still consists of some big corporations such as oil refining, manufacturing, sugarcane refining, pharmaceuticals, nickel mining, citrus fruits, cigars, and oil. The Netherlands are Cuba's number one importer by in taking 19% of materials produced in Cuba.

       As you can see, Cuba has many problems later planned for them if they do now start to straighten out as the rest of the world is starting to realize democracy is the way to go and industrializes. They continue to be stubborn and go off on their own ways, but it will hurt them in the long run as their residents start to see the rest of the world with media and computers. I think after Fidel Castro passes away and his brother takes over, his brother seems more willing to open his eyes and accept ideas from outer nations. If they want to get rid of communism, they obviously know they will have the support from the United States as that is one of our main goals is to spread democracy and stop communism. Cuba and North Korea still remain as the most known communist nations and hopefully that will some day change.

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sorry, habit when when I enter in phrases randomly and see them pop up in google word for word.

Just use google docs or an ftp and access it at school and then save it as a word file or even save it as an .rtf.

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