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pker of neeb

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pker of neeb

hey guys any guestimations on how many red chins ide need to use at MM caves from 90-99? dont really want to join foe until ive got 99 range 94 mage (currently 90 mage 90 range)


duno, tired of these questions.


yeh alot.

Just buy them bit by bit if you're going to do it.


I'm chinning 40k with eagle eye, 45k-55k without.


Dunno more then 30k for sure

pker of neeb

thankyou guythhhhh :) xox. fuck you steriods


thankyou guythhhhh :) xox. fuck you steriods

maybe if you actually searched these forums for the other 45645646467 threads just like this on these forums,instead of adding to them he wouldn't get pissed at you.

So don't start flaming him for your mistake, dick.


^ Read the above you mong.

pker of neeb

fuck off, how am i flaming when he was clearly being rune in his first post, if he said it how you did haduken ide be fine with it, way 2 much roid rage


No, Steroids is right, everyday faggots are comming with questions they can either find on google, or on youtube. If u've searched a little bit on google ud find it.

Dont post retarted questions = no irritating answers

pker of neeb

google doesnt show that actually.


No, Steroids is right.

Btw you little goon, theres something called a search button. Some people use it when they want to find something that has obviously been asked before.


Flame thread locked, 1-0 to Steroids

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