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TLP Tried to claim a win.


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This is in no way intended to be flame or trolling or anything like that, it's literally just a second opinion.

DP v TLP is @ 2:58.

(The video cut out at the end coz my vegas kept returning an error, and this is as much as I could render before it error'd, so I just uploaded it as there's only about 10-15 seconds missing).

If you watch the video, we clearly pushed right through them, they where just retreating, and retreating.

At the end, we ran into cwars because of two things:
1) We thought we'd cleared TLP, the white dots north where 90% mains
2) MM was about to crash from BH.

What do you guys think?

I think I love you Sam.


I think I love you Sam.

Love you too.


Dude we owned you on Monday at ports bro.

Creamie pies

I think we #1.


Dude we owned you on Monday at ports bro.

Lmfao yea, I knew we was gonna lose tbh, just wanted a bit of good old fashion action :P Was good fun though :)

And Creamie, I didn't ask who was #1.. I asked who won that fight..



All that needs to be said


you were in clan wars while we were on sperm hill we won

you pushed south then we went north and got you in a giant clump and just autocasted till you were in clan wars

also in cc they are saying we are north you forgot the vid the part where we pushed you into cwars


y u autocast barrage, you were barraging indiv people and ur clan kept running in for spec and shit and u just carried on barraging them?

Dp>tlp rite?


y u autocast barrage, you were barraging indiv people and ur clan kept running in for spec and shit and u just carried on barraging them?

Dp>tlp rite?

i autocast barrage cause there are 30 dp clumped its a good idea to not rush into a giant clump and get specs off on somebody


I think i'm glad you aint Foe anymore cos you would need to read those Barrage rules son :)

Also, i'm not gunna pass judgement seeing as the vid did cut out, which you explained.

y u autocast barrage, you were barraging indiv people and ur clan kept running in for spec and shit and u just carried on barraging them?

Dp>tlp rite?

i autocast barrage cause there are 30 dp clumped its a good idea to not rush into a giant clump and get specs off on somebody

He wasn't speaking to you spastic.

X O Mage X O

I think your trying to hard at this game called runescape

And MM wasn't at Bh lol..they were logging in at CLW. and all they did was spam #1 P2p..had a guy even saying in your CC that Tlp were north

Other way around bro, 90%of white dots was Tlp not mains and proof for that can be found in Tlp's video

Im surprised your resorting to posting on other forums to claim some win, runescape just play the game


its not tlp's fault u guys ran in cw thinking mm would crash... they were there for quite some time.

ur loss bro

btw u r tryin to hard.


I think TLP went to sperm hill and continued to barrage you guys like xgotkillsx said. Your members was still getting attacked/barrage towards the end of your vid, and I'm sure the majority of the DP members that was getting attack in that last seconds of the vid isn't 90+ cb, so it wasn't the mains that was attacking all of you guys.


meh not sure bout this one, wasn't there cuz I had irl stuff. And why make a topic about this, and not about the fact that FI claim a win for the first fight? or are they too obviously wrong


I think i'm glad you aint Foe anymore cos you would need to read those Barrage rules son :)

Also, i'm not gunna pass judgement seeing as the vid did cut out, which you explained.

y u autocast barrage, you were barraging indiv people and ur clan kept running in for spec and shit and u just carried on barraging them?

Dp>tlp rite?

i autocast barrage cause there are 30 dp clumped its a good idea to not rush into a giant clump and get specs off on somebody

He wasn't speaking to you spastic.

m8 no need to flame what i said can go for him also its not smart to rush into a barrage pile and dds and who r u


dont think it was just mains north

and every fight some stupid mains crash  :(


lol posting this hear is a stupid. foe doesn't care they will just say foe #1

they should be declaring on mm in p2p >:)


1) We thought we'd cleared TLP, the white dots north where 90% mains

None were mains rofl.

Also yeah "there was an error with your sony vegas".

We'll take your word for it.


I think you need to look at these video's.


MM was at clan wars the whole time while Tlp was at sperm hill clearing Dp. MM had no intentions on crashing because they had so much time to do it.

You turn your vid off so early? i wonder why maybe because that was when Tlp retook the sperm hill from you lol. If you see our vid the north dots were 90% Tlp members.



Looked like Tlp was winning.


ur win. Good music and was the lag switch on when we drilled over the hills :p

good vid


l0l theres another topic also, called "DP tried to claim a win" LOL

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