Justin|1 PureDevil Posted April 19, 2009 Posted April 19, 2009 This is How We Do in the F.O.EFINAL OWNAGE ELITE P2P TRIP FRIDAY 17TH NOVEMBER The Lesson in P2P Pking Organsiation is the Key, Epidemics Slogan? I feel we work by the same mentallity, as below ops with Full FOE members only, It can get you through.To all FOE members reading, We did a great job today im proud of you all for your self control and spamming .Anyway onto the highlights of the trip. FOE PRESENTS P2P TRIP VIDEOS Evil X Killa: http://files.filefront.com/FOE+Friday+day+...;/fileinfo.htmlF R 0 G Mitehttp://files.filefront.com/Foe+16th+novemb...;/fileinfo.html We started our with 108 Wilderness Options.We ended up with about 114 options when we hopped to world 53 which turned out to be FI's world, When we hopped people said they saw FI hats so we went tot pray up at Chaos Altar Final Ownage Elite VS Fatality P2P RUN INWe Went to Chaos Alter where we found a couple of FI walking up.Nothing Specially really..<[FI]Skittle> u killed 21 opts of us at chaos alterIt Turned out FI was Deeper at lv 25 (one guy walking up late died), I wasnt aware of this and just lead FOE straight into them.=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-[FOE] STARTING OPTIONS: 114FATALITY STARTING OPTIONS: 70=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-[FOE] ENDING OPTIONS: 111FATALITY ENDING OPTIONS 0=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-Good Fight Fatality, Brill to still you sticking with P2P Friday. After meeting FI we banked as you see upbove and went looking for mains and also MayhemMakers and Friends.We hopped around all the large pking worlds but it was relatively empty.We Payed a visit to portols, but also that was dead, One Member got a hot picture. Back down to Hills, We went the big worlds, 18, 69, 100 all resulted in being empty.A few MM members had pmed me with FOE scared, But then Krazyfaken started requesting our worlds, It turned out theyd been trying to find us for so long, so I gave him our worlds.Our scouter told us where MM and friends were and we went in for the kills despite having less options, we took the challenge and hopped there world. We ended up in a similar spot to last week. But on even Ground. Final Ownage Elite VS Mayhem Makers + Friends P2P RUN =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-[FOE] STARTING OPTIONS: 120MM STARTING OPTIONS: Arround 147 confirmed. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-[FOE] ENDING OPTIONS: 69MM ENDING OPTIONS: 0=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-GF MM Keep this topic Clean Please, I dont care what tactics you believe we use, We are a pking clan, Not a, Wait and run into a clan, We continously hopped worlds for people and always have fast paced trips. Thanks for Reading
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