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pure progress :)

pker of neeb

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pker of neeb

hey just got some levels recently thought my stats were looking cute and i just cashed in 100 sw points for 90 mage what you think :)

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its 4am here and im in a shit sleeping pattern so ima get some sleep, also 42 cooking is what i achieved earlier today, getting all requirements for addy gloves :)

i need 60 more points for 91 mage so ill update it then :)


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bang! finaly got 94 mage and raised my str up! and got a couple sneaky thieving lvls.

skills raised:

62 theiv

66 chefmanship

30 farming

think thats it.

3rd update: 14/6/2010

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latest news

20k from 90 mining and ive got mith gloves, 3 agil lvls till i can complete that sub quest... at the karamja agil course pretty fun :).

got claws for market price even though over night they raised 950k :)

some photos

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42.5mil :)

got plenty of screenies of pk's in the last week, will start making a video soon :)

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[glow=red,2,300]couple of kills from today[/glow]

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roughly 1.5mil, cant complain.

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im guessing this guy is f o e? well he rushed me but it ended in my favour.

i got a few more kills but i dont want to over crowd this post :). tell me what you think :).

ALSOOOOO what do you recomend to film my pk's with?

camtasia, hypercam? etc


nice pure (:

join foe ^^

just get 70 str :p


Pretty hot, yeh get 70+ str n then app plez


get 65 cooking and get addy gloves


hunter bot.


Gareth l Rare

nice stats and gl on addys

get on 94mage + 70+str

Neon Bible

hey just got some levels recently thought my stats were looking cute



I might start a thread like this :)


Nut bad so far.

pker of neeb

thanks guys, how is 16 hunter hunter botted? i stopped hunting like 5 months ago because there were 2 many botters. also my range is chinchompa'd not sw'd im just soul warring mage as i find it alot funner than sitting there with alchs for 20 hours a day.

p.s. ive got the money for 99 range with chins so once im 94 mage ill be chinning 99 range then joining foe, shouldnt be long probably about 2-3 weeks. then ill be getting str up with 50 att :)

d0oshh bag

nice. gl on everything man :D


Very nice, good luck with the goals:)


Pretty good, though i would save the sw points all for range and alch or somthing :P

pker of neeb

hey thanks for all the comments currently just used my months worth of downloads which is reallyyyy irrit but ill upload soon, so frustrating im about 100 sw points till 94 mage and whenever i go ingame i lag out and spawn outside the game, fucking annoying. im off to get some cooking up will post a screenie of stats when the new month arrives


thanks guys, how is 16 hunter hunter botted? i stopped hunting like 5 months ago because there were 2 many botters. also my range is chinchompa'd not sw'd im just soul warring mage as i find it alot funner than sitting there with alchs for 20 hours a day.

p.s. ive got the money for 99 range with chins so once im 94 mage ill be chinning 99 range then joining foe, shouldnt be long probably about 2-3 weeks. then ill be getting str up with 50 att :)

hence why he said "lolsike" at the end of the post.

He was joking.

good Luck.


Gl with the acc

pker of neeb

bump for meh ooopddateee

Pk Unit Mog

Good luck with your account, keep on training. :)


nice. I'm thinking about being a mauler for a bit before i get 60 att also.

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