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Bots - What do you think of them?


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mr d stroy

Where do you even get bots from?

heard kbot, is the new free bot gotta google it though cba to find website

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Sauced Maul

rs bot get updated yet? L


I PLAY runescape....


I need a sw bot ffs I wish bots were free tho lul

E O H Shak

Where can i buy a good sw bot?  I'm freaking tired of doing sw myself and i wanna get 99 range already and its taking forever now that i play less.


i dont mind botters that do pure ess and alkharid warriors and some others

but the ones that steal your chins and make you lose sw piss me off


From what I can see here some people like them others don't.

no shit einstein

R U S H E Rz

Lmfao Jayy nice auth panel.

I mean uhh...no way would I ever bot!


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Thats like 300-400$ there?


i think theyre a great invention.


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Thats like 300-400$ there?

"i have a life, i dont have time to play runescape and get a 99"

*spends 500$ on auth codes.* lmaooo

R U S H E Rz

Tj there's shifty people that sell auths $1 each and replace disabled ones.

You paying $20 from the site? You need a brick dropped on your head sir.


bots are fine in my books, I play rs to pk, not to repeat the same task over and over again.


I dont see why ppl dont just bot sacred clay... then they could have the 99 in a couple days afterwards.


I like bots.


to be honest, i didn't pay for any of them.


In 2006 and 2007, every pure was moderately rich because of staking. Around 100m. In 2008, rs was the poorest. 5M was rich. 2009 was also poor, but with the rise of bots 5m-10m was average. 2010: EVERY PURE OVER 50 COMBAT HAS DCLAWS OR AGS + RIDICULOUSLY HIGH STATS FOR THEIR LEVEL. Every good pure bots now.


dropped about $200 on auths, i play the game to pk not to waste my life


Wow I have only spent I say around 50-100 on auths.

I had a load of hacked ones before most got banned =[


i hate bots. people who bot are noobs and should get a nolife ples. /end sarcasm


In 2006 and 2007, every pure was moderately rich because of staking. Around 100m. In 2008, rs was the poorest. 5M was rich. 2009 was also poor, but with the rise of bots 5m-10m was average. 2010: EVERY PURE OVER 50 COMBAT HAS DCLAWS OR AGS + RIDICULOUSLY HIGH STATS FOR THEIR LEVEL. Every good pure bots now.

K you clearly didn't play back then. RS did not get poorer because staking got removed, staking did not add any money to the economy nor was every pure near close to rich. The only rich pures were ones with rich mains because they could drop trade/multilog the items.

bwuak maul

In 2006 and 2007, every pure was moderately rich because of staking. Around 100m. In 2008, rs was the poorest. 5M was rich. 2009 was also poor, but with the rise of bots 5m-10m was average. 2010: EVERY PURE OVER 50 COMBAT HAS DCLAWS OR AGS + RIDICULOUSLY HIGH STATS FOR THEIR LEVEL. Every good pure bots now.

K you clearly didn't play back then. RS did not get poorer because staking got removed, staking did not add any money to the economy nor was every pure near close to rich. The only rich pures were ones with rich mains because they could drop trade/multilog the items.

you sir are obviously the idiot here.. pures became rich of lucky kills (stupid mains going in with full sara d legs etc without food) and lures

atleast thats how i did it

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