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Guest Emote|Muse

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Aww man sorry about the Attack level. Your account with the 60 Attack is my goal. Good luck on 80 attack which shouldn't be that hard for you. But quick question what is your Dungeoneering level?

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Aww man sorry about the Attack level. Your account with the 60 Attack is my goal. Good luck on 80 attack which shouldn't be that hard for you. But quick question what is your Dungeoneering level?

Swiftkit -> Highscores -> Awemni

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Aww man sorry about the Attack level. Your account with the 60 Attack is my goal. Good luck on 80 attack which shouldn't be that hard for you. But quick question what is your Dungeoneering level?

Swiftkit -> Highscores -> Awemni

Wasn't thinking, thanks.

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Guest Emote|Muse

Aww man sorry about the Attack level. Your account with the 60 Attack is my goal. Good luck on 80 attack which shouldn't be that hard for you. But quick question what is your Dungeoneering level?

Swiftkit -> Highscores -> Awemni

Wasn't thinking, thanks.

I'll answer it anyways...

74, I'll be 82 when I have enough tokens for a rapier.

Fuckin' dreadful because noone I have added does dung and I'm forced to play w117. I only got 2 larges in when i've been on for hours and hours..

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Aww man sorry about the Attack level. Your account with the 60 Attack is my goal. Good luck on 80 attack which shouldn't be that hard for you. But quick question what is your Dungeoneering level?

Swiftkit -> Highscores -> Awemni

Wasn't thinking, thanks.

I'll answer it anyways...

74, I'll be 82 when I have enough tokens for a rapier.

Fuckin' dreadful because noone I have added does dung and I'm forced to play w117. I only got 2 larges in when i've been on for hours and hours..

I do dung, but im 45 combat =c

And yeah w117 sucks, always 2 kids having a bitch-fight and hiding the keys.

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Guest Emote|Muse

Aww man sorry about the Attack level. Your account with the 60 Attack is my goal. Good luck on 80 attack which shouldn't be that hard for you. But quick question what is your Dungeoneering level?

Swiftkit -> Highscores -> Awemni

Wasn't thinking, thanks.

I'll answer it anyways...

74, I'll be 82 when I have enough tokens for a rapier.

Fuckin' dreadful because noone I have added does dung and I'm forced to play w117. I only got 2 larges in when i've been on for hours and hours..

I do dung, but im 45 combat =c

And yeah w117 sucks, always 2 kids having a bitch-fight and hiding the keys.

I really wish they did some tweaks to make soloing/duoing XP rates at least close to larges, I've never liked having to rely on people, especially in minigames.

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Aww man sorry about the Attack level. Your account with the 60 Attack is my goal. Good luck on 80 attack which shouldn't be that hard for you. But quick question what is your Dungeoneering level?

Swiftkit -> Highscores -> Awemni

Wasn't thinking, thanks.

I'll answer it anyways...

74, I'll be 82 when I have enough tokens for a rapier.

Fuckin' dreadful because noone I have added does dung and I'm forced to play w117. I only got 2 larges in when i've been on for hours and hours..

I do dung, but im 45 combat =c

And yeah w117 sucks, always 2 kids having a bitch-fight and hiding the keys.

I really wish they did some tweaks to make soloing/duoing XP rates at least close to larges, I've never liked having to rely on people, especially in minigames.

Yeah, they should definately make better xp rates. W117 reminds me of Barbarian assault w6, packed with kids giving me brain cancer.

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Aww man sorry about the Attack level. Your account with the 60 Attack is my goal. Good luck on 80 attack which shouldn't be that hard for you. But quick question what is your Dungeoneering level?

Swiftkit -> Highscores -> Awemni

Wasn't thinking, thanks.

I'll answer it anyways...

74, I'll be 82 when I have enough tokens for a rapier.

Fuckin' dreadful because noone I have added does dung and I'm forced to play w117. I only got 2 larges in when i've been on for hours and hours..

I do dung, but im 45 combat =c

And yeah w117 sucks, always 2 kids having a bitch-fight and hiding the keys.

I really wish they did some tweaks to make soloing/duoing XP rates at least close to larges, I've never liked having to rely on people, especially in minigames.

Yeah, they should definately make better xp rates. W117 reminds me of Barbarian assault w6, packed with kids giving me brain cancer.

i rarely get fucktard teammates lol, but then again, i only get accepted by smart mains...

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Guest Emote|Muse

^ cute beaver

99 attack time awemni!@!@@@!@!@!@!@


If I get 99 I'll get bored like you and venture into defence, which I already have accounts for, lol.

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I'm alive

not really playing much since I got 61 attack, I feel like TJ or some other idiot

and i just strolled passed this by chance... oh well.. Good luck

PS: if you want to power level hunter i have found

swamp lizards are quite good as well as good money.

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