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NEW HP's BAR look@##@!


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i cant fucking believe it. They didnt even give us the option of useing the old one. Thew new bars suck dick.

Yet another fail by Fagex

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Teh Maullers

Meh w.e.  Most people aren't thankful for the things we get.  Imagine if we were still at multi BH when the wilderness was first removed...  Now we're back to almost the old wild but no RWT.  People aren't thankful for things and complain about the smallest things.  I remember when Jagex made the zeros have a cross through them and not just O, empty in the middle.  There were pages and pages of rants on the forums of this...  It's not even a huge deal l0l.

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Pokemon, much?

Nah lol. I was at school, and my friend was playing rs. He went to duel arena, and we both saw the change of the health bar. The first thing that came to my mind was the Pokemon health bars. Idk why, but yeah.

I'm guessing there is going to be a bunch of posts on the rs forums about this lol..

I personally don't care, but I give it by next week, everyone going to adapt to it.

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I like em'.

You'll get used to them and forget about it within a week.

Exactly what I was about to say.. I personally love them. The only thing I can find to complain about is the light colors of the hits. But that's beyond my control.

And yeah.. I'm already getting used to them. So whatever. Good job JaGeX.  :nice:

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im gonna go see W18, must look funny with those huuuuuuuuuge hp bars across screen. i personally hate them and cba to do anything combat related because it makes me feel sick looking at it lul.

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