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how do you deal with...

pker of neeb

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pker of neeb

NEW ERA PKERS! by this i mean all the people that will fight till the first time your on half health then try d claws you, if it fails they run. and all the teli'ing and the no asking? in my opinion i dont know if you guys do it or not but not asking can make you loose over half ur invo lol.

i spent the last 4 hours pking and i got 1 kill. the rest either tele'd or ran and i tried pvp worlds to stop the rushers and claw's pures and all that happened was i was destroyed by tanks 10 lvls higher.

your thoughts on new pvp systems and new pkers?

seems to me their all botters, most dont even know what barrage does yet "somehow" got it.

pker of neeb

LOL as i ran into the wildy 15 secs after posting this i was barraged then x bowed for 5 seconds then dds speced out. gf


2010 pkers...

Try PvP


i spent the last 4 hours pking and i got 1 kill.

just quit

i spent the last 4 hours pking and i got 1 kill.

just quit
^ he has a point there
pker of neeb

please dont troll... cbf dealing with gronks. the only reason i got 1 kill is because no one would fight and everyone willing to fight spec and ran. ive been playing since 2 years before the end of rsc and on many of my other pures i was making profit not wasting runes and food.


End of the day, were always gonna get these topics and Tl;Dr is, we all miss old wildy, its never coming back, riot in falador.

pker of neeb

yeh good point. sometimes i just get hell pissy and write topics like this... now im tired and i dont rly care. just annoying because my mind frame is still in the old pking systems where when you died it was something to be shitty about... nowadays dying 100 times doesnt effect the bank of many players lol


quit while u can.

if not, get freezes, tbs, claws, and tabs :)

pker of neeb

yeh i got barrage (worked fucking hard for it as well) and 92 range, i guess i jus needa get some claws... was hoping to stay 50 att and be a maxed 50 atk pure


Everyone gets pissed man, just gotta accept it rly, its pretty shitty


Well tons of people here don't ask, I do that loads lol, and tons of people here bot, i dont :P


NEW ERA PKERS! by this i mean all the people that will fight till the first time your on half health then try d claws you, if it fails they run. and all the teli'ing and the no asking? in my opinion i dont know if you guys do it or not but not asking can make you loose over half ur invo lol.

i spent the last 4 hours pking and i got 1 kill. the rest either tele'd or ran and i tried pvp worlds to stop the rushers and claw's pures and all that happened was i was destroyed by tanks 10 lvls higher.

your thoughts on new pvp systems and new pkers?

seems to me their all botters, most dont even know what barrage does yet "somehow" got it.

I call them 08 09 and 010 pkers, I concur. I can pk all day and only get like 20 kills because most people just pray or tele. I check to see if they are in a clan then I vid their nh and get them kicked. Newfags ftl.


i usually cry a little and go troll on internet forums.

thats the cure.


Bring blitz with you or just run out when they charge at you?


be aggressive. no one really cares about honorably asking for fights anymore. IF YOU CAN'T BEAT THEM, JOIN THEM. Except for the tele part, don't condone teleporting (:


If you can't beat them, which u definately don't seem to be able to do.

Join them lad.


You're pathetic and you need to man up. You have NEVER had to ask for a fight. If you're in the Wilderness, you are in every person's best interest to be attacked, and have no reason to complain about it.


I always ask and never tele. I get plenty that do the same thing at cb 60. What level are you?

Ya i am Good

tb them and they panic


this has been happening for a very long time, except with dds and gmauls n shit

watch me tb

wild has been gone for two and a half years.. how have you not adapted?


Asking for a fight is something new school honor fags bitch and cry about. If you went back 5 years I can assure you, fuck all people asked for a fight, most people just manned up and fought.

Don't stand in the wild if you're not prepared to be attacked. Go to duel arena if you want arranged fights.

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