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Asbloodfalls Pk Vid 3, Bounty World Vid 1.


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Basically this is one of my best friends irl.

I think it's a pretty sick vid, not many comboes but not much to do on a main unless your using d claws/godsword/whip.. a few dh clips, 1 statius clip, the first fight he pked in full statius in which he dies for it to a VLS Pjer l0llll, a few d claw clips, but not too many.. Weird music but it's the kind of music me and him both liked and thought suited some of the vid l0l. No hybriding, he's not that good of a hybrid and doesnt care for team/clan pking.

Also this guy is training up a pure to join foe on, he should have fa stats in the next 2 months(he's slow as hell at training)

He's almost maxed, 99-99-95 99 magic etc, (71 range cause he fails l0l) 121 combat


Be sure to watch in High Quality. <3

Thanks Chad, Brian, John, Darkh, ETC <3

Also, this was all done with hypercam and windows movie maker, the clips of him dying were all like him dying for 5m+, and one getting pjed for full statius that he had bought to make this an even more sick vid

He doesnt care much for editing it hardcore, basic editing is all really. Also the fact he doesnt scape long enough to get into getting camtasia/sony vegas for editing it.

Tap U Hard

first vid i've seen with updated HP bars =P. i liked it, good fights, varried his approach, would like to see camista in next one.


LMAO i counted at least 3 times HE was the one who died wtf!


Not bad I spose music was bad, hits were good, loot was decent.

Editing was non existant.



No nick, your fucking stupid.


Iits allright. But explain me why you would ever put in parts where you die urself.....;s

O and tell him to time his venges to get more KOs. Don't just use them to run the other guy out


main vids suck

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